Refereed papers
(196 articles including 79 papers which Tamaoka is the first author.)
Note: References are described using the publication manual of APA (American Psychological Association). Japanese articles are presented in the Kunrei-style alphabetization with a long vowel repeating two vowels like oo for ?, uu for ?, and ii for ?, while proper nouns are described in the Hepburn-style alphabetization.
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196. Tamaoka, Katsuo (2022). The mechanism of memory in relation to the structure of the mental lexicon among learners of Japanese as a Second Language, Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 25, 57-83. |
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195. Zhang, Peng, Hong Zhu, Katsuo Tamaoka (2022). Phonological encoding in Tongan: an experimental investigation. Foreign Language Research, 4(227), 91-97. |
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194. Tamaoka, Katsuo & Jingyi Zhang, Masatoshi Koizumi & Rinus G. Verdonschot (2022). Phonological encoding in Tongan: an experimental investigation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, (Impact Factor = 2.58) |
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193. Tamaoka, Katsuo & Yuanyuan Ji (2022). Prosody and polarity entrainment strategy for processing Japanese darenimo 'anyone/someone'. Phonetica, 79(1), 45-75. (Impact Factor = 1.76) |
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192. Tamaoka, Katsuo, Takane Ito & Michael P. Mansbridge (2022). Parallelism between sentence structure and nominal phrases in Japanese: Evidence from scrambled instrumental and locative adverbial phrases. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 51(3), 501-519. (Impact Factor = 1.18) |
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191. Tamaoka, Kastuo & Jingyi Zhang (2022). The Effect of Chinese Proficiency on Determining Temporal Adverb Position by Native Japanese Speakers Learning Chinese. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-13. (Impact Factor = 4.23) |
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190. Verdonschot, Rinus G., Hoàng Thị Lan Phương & Katsuo Tamaoka (2022). Phonological encoding in Vietnamese: An experimental investigation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(7), 1355-1366. (Impact Factor = 2.14) |
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189. HOANG, Thi Lan Phuong & TAMAOKA, Katsuo (2021). Influences of phonological similarity and word frequency on a translation task by Vietnamese students learning Japanese, Koide Kinen Nihongo Kyoiku Kenkyukai Ronbunshu [Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association], 30, 23-38. |
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186. Li, L., & Tamaoka, K. (2020). The factors that influence the comprehension accuracy and processing speed of indirect speech act : In case of Chinese speakers learning Japanese. The Study of Japanese Language Education for Native Chinese Speakers, 11, 44-62. |
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185. Yu, Shaoyun & Tamaoka, Kastuo (2020). Trade-off effect in the processing of Korean case-drop sentences: An eye tracking investigation. Human Behaviour and Brain, 1(2), 49-57. |
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184. Xiong, K., Verdonschot R. G. & Tamaoka, K. (2020). The Time Course of Brain Activity in Reading Identical Cognates: An ERP Study of Chinese - Japanese Bilinguals. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 55, Paper # 100911. |
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183. Zhang, J. Y., Tamaoka, K., & Katsukawa, Y. (2020). Prosody understanding of poses and heavy sounds by Japanese Chinese learners Chinese Education, 18, 71-88. |
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182. Ito, N., Tamaoka, K., Michael, M. P. (2020). A Picture-Book Based Corpus Study on the Acquisition of wh-words in Japanese. Glottotheory - International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 10(1-2), 85-102. |
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181. Akita, K., Zhang, J. & Tamaoka, K.(2020). Systematic Side of Sound Symbolism: The Case of Suffixed Ideophones in Japanese KLS (Kansai Linguistic Society) Selected Papers, 2 1-16. |
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180. Saito, N., & Tamaoka, K. (2020). Understanding Japanese a kara clause which does not express a reason. Studies in Language Sciences, 19, 35-47. |
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179. Li, L., & Tamaoka, K. (2019). Developing the Chinese version of the ‘Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ)’ The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 60(4), 314-324. |
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178. Huang, C., Tamaoka, K., Komori, K., and Wu, Y. (2019). Factors affecting the acquisition of collocations by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese. Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in Honor of Professor Fumiko Koide, 27, 53-68. |
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177. Li, L., & Tamaoka, K. (2019). Understanding indirect speech acts by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese: Influence of conventionality and proficiency. The Study of Japanese Language Education for Native Chinese Speakers, 10, 12-28. |
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176. Tamaoka, K., Zhang, J., & Makioka, S. (2019). Is the Japanese language preferred to have an intransitive sentence with an inanimate subject? A frequency comparison of animate and inanimate subject nouns. Journal of Japanese and Chinese Contrastive Linguistics, 21,124-141. |
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175. Goss, S. J. & Tamaoka, K. (in press). Lexical accent perception in highly-proficient L2 Japanese learners: The roles of language-specific experience and domain-general resources. Second Language Research, 35,351-376. |
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174. Mansbridge, M. P. & Tamaoka, K. (2019). Ambiguity in Japanese Relative Clause Processing. Journal of Japanese Linguistics, 35(1),75-136. |
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173. Tamaoka, K., & Mansbridge, M. P. (2019). An eye-tracking investigation on pre-head and head-driven processing for Japanese scrambled sentences. Gengo Kenkyu. Appendix・Download
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172. Mu, X., Koizumi, M., & Tamaoka, K. (2019). Differentiating subjects from VP-adjuncts: A psycholinguistic case study of kara-marked NPs. Gengo kenkyu. Appendix・Download
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171. Mansbridge M. P. & Tamaoka, K. (2018). The (in) Sensitivity of Plural -S by Japanese Learners of English. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 8(5),176-198. |
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170. Feng, Y., & Tamaoka, K. (2018). An investigation on continuity of onomatopoeia acquisition via extending the meaning of “touch to non-tactile” by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese. Japanese as a Second Language (JSL) Acquisition, 21, 7-24. |
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169. Yu, S., & Tamaoka, K. (2018). Age-related differences in the acceptability of non-canonical word orders in Mandarin Chinese. Lingua Sinica,4:3. |
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168. Tamaoka, K., Zhang, J., & Makioka, S. (2018). Comparing frequencies of 36 Japanese intransitive-and-transitive verb pairs. Mathematical Linguistics, 31, 443-460. |
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167. Zhang, J., & Tamaoka., K. (2018). Perception of definite and indefinite in sentences with zai and you verbs by native Chinese speakers.Jonrnal of Japanese-and-Chinese Contrastive Linguistics, 20, 147-163. |
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166. Kiyama, S., Verdonschot, R., Xiong, K., & Tamaoka, K. (2018). Individual mentalizing ability boosts flexibility toward a linguistic marker of social distance: An ERP investigation. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 47, 1-15. |
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165. Zhang, J., Tamaoka, K., & Chu, X. (2018). Can Chinese Japanese learners write Japanese kanji correctly? Studies in Japanese Language Education for Native Chinese Speakers, 9, 52-68. |
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164. Feng, Y., & Tamaoka, K. (2018). Factors for acquiring onomatopoeic and mimetic words by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese. Studies in Japanese Language Education for Native Chinese Speakers, 9, 35-51. |
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163. Tamaoka, K. (2018). Lexical connections of three languages: Effects of L1 Chinese and L2 Englishon on the processing of L3 Japanese loanwords by native Chinese speakers.Studies in Japanese Language Education for Native Chinese Speakers, 9, 17-34. |
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162. Xiong, K., Tamaoka, K., & Hayakawa, K. (2017). Acquisition of cognates' grammatical categories by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese: causal relations with Japanese lexical and grammatical knowledge. Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 20 , 63-79. |
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161. Tamaoka, K. (2017). Word acquisition studies using experimental methods. Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 20 , 44-62. |
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160. Zhang, J., Tamaoka, K., & Katsukawa, Y. (2017). Gap between orthography and phonology: Comparison between reading and listening comprehension by native Japanese speakers learning Chinese. Journal of Chinese Teaching and Research, 8, 85-97. |
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159. Mansbridge, M., Tamaoka, K., Xiong, K., & Verdonschot, R. G. (2017). Ambiguity in the processing of Mandarin Chinese relative clauses: One factor cannot explain it all. PLOS ONE, 1-38. |
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158. Tamaoka, K. (2017). Investigation of the similarity between newspaper corpus and native speakers’production in collocation patterns of sound-symbolic words and verbs. Mathematical Linguistics, 31(1), 20-35. |
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157. Lim, H., Tamaoka, K., & Lee, J. (2017). An investigation on collocation patterns of Korean onomatopoeia and verbs based the indexes of entropy and redundancy. Journal of Korean Language Education, 12, 22-39. |
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156. Zhang, J., & Tamaoka, K. (2017). The understanding of noun-verb compound words by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese . Koide Kinen Nihongo Kyooiku Kenkyuukai Ronbunshuu [Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in Honor of Professor Fumiko Koide], 25,35-50. |
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155. Mansbridge, M., Park, S., & Tamaoka, K. (2017). Disambiguation and Integration in Korean Relative Clause Processing. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46, 827-845. |
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154. Tamaoka, K., Makioka, S., Sanders, S., & Verdonschot, R. G. (2017). a new interactive online database for psychological and linguistic research on Japanese kanji and their compound words.
Psychological Research, 81, 696-708. doi: 10.1007/s00426-016-0764-3 |
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153. Kiyama, S., Sun, M., Kim, J., Tamaoka, K., & Koizumi, M. (2016). Interference of context and bilinguality with the word order preference in Kaqchikel reversible sentences. Tohoku Psychologica Folia, 75, 22-34. |
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152. Xiong, K., Tamaoka, K., & Mansbridge, M. P. (2016). Can languages non-selective activation be seen in the processing of lexical syntactic information?: an eye-tracking study on reading cognates in L2-Japanese with different L1-Chinese passive frequencies by Chinese-Japanese bilinguals. Cognitive Studies, 23(4), 395-410. |
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151. Kiyama, S., Takatori, Y., Lim, H., & Tamaoka, K. (2016). From Universal Perceptions to Diverging Behaviors: An Exploratory Comparison of Responses to Unreasonable Accusations among People from the United States,Japan, and South Korea. International Journal of Linguistics and Communication, 4(1), 19-33. |
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150. Tamaoka, K. (2016). Introduction to corpus research for studies of collocational expressions. Lexicon Forum, 7, 239-264. |
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149. Nanba, E., & Tamaoka, K. (2016). A corpus-based investigation of the canonical order of manner and resultative adverbs.Gengo Kenkyu, 150, 173-181. |
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148. Tamaoka, K., Hayakawa, K., & Vance, T. J. (2016). Triple operations of rendaku processing: Native Chinese and Korean speakers learning Japanese.
Journal of Japanese Linguistics, 32.,31-55. |
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147. Tamaoka, K., Miyatani, M., Zhang, C., Shiraishi, M., & Yoshimura, N. (2016). Language-non-selective lexical activation without its use for sentential interpretation: An event-related potential (ERP) study on the processing of L1 Chinese and L2 Japanese sentences.
Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 6, 148-159. doi: 10.4236/ojml.2016.62015 |
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146. Nanba, E., & Tamaoka, K. (2016). An inverstigation of collocational patterns of manner and resultative adverbs with verbs based on indexes of entropy and redundancy. Mathematical Linguistics, 30(4), 195-209. |
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145. Bulaeva, M., & Tamaoka, K. (2016). Factors comprising the difficulty of refusing a request and the degree of consideration toward the hearer by Russian JFL learners: from the perspective of the politeness theory
. The Bulletin of Japanese Curriculum Research and Development, 38, 1-12. |
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144. Mu, X., Tamaoka, K. (2016). The processing mechanism of a sentence with a kara-subject marked case by native Chinese speaker learning Japanese Koide Kinen Nihongo Kyooiku Kenkyuukai Ronbunshuu [Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in Honor of Professor Fumiko Koide], 24, 5-19. |
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143. Tamaoka, K., Huang, Y., & Saito, N. (2016). Perception and production of Japanese pitch accent and their prediction of listening comprehension: a case study of native Chinese speakers learning Japanese. Koide Kinen Nihongo Kyooiku Kenkyuukai Ronbunshuu [Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in Honor of Professor Fumiko Koide], 50,, 37-51. |
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142. Rinus G. V., Guillemaud, H., Rabenarivo, H., & Tamaoka, K. (2015). The Microsoft KINECT: A Novel Tool for
Psycholinguistic Research Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 5, 291-301. doi: 10.4236/ojml.2015.53026 |
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141. Hideko,S., Tokimoto, S., Ono, Y., Inoue, T., & Tamaoka, K. (2015). English reading comprehension by Japanese high school students: structural equation modeling including working memory and L1 literacy Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 5, 443-458. doi: 10.4236/ojml.2015.55039 |
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140. Huang, Y., & Tamaoka, K.(2015). Factors influencing awareness and behavior in suggestion situations by native Chinese speakers learning in Japanese.
Japanese Language Education, 48/49, 11-21. |
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139. Tamaoka, K., Hayakawa, K.,Mansbridge, M. P., Bulaeva, M. E., Xiong, K., Koizumi, M., Nasukawa, K. (in press).The Incrementality of Mayan Kaqchikel
Phonological Encoding: Right or Leftwards? Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 5, |
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138. Hayakawa, K.,Tamaoka, K.,Chu, X-J. (2015).Second language acquisition of case particles in relation to verbal features: Acquisition of particles -ni and -o with active verbs by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese.
Studies in Language Sciences. |
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137. Yamato, Y.,Tamaoka, K.,Chu, X-J. (2015). Influencing Factors for the Understanding of Derivatives with Human Suffixes by Native Chinese Speakers Learning Japanese.
Koide Kinen Nihongo Kyooiku Kenkyuukai Ronbunshuu [Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in Honor of Professor Fumiko Koide],23., 33-45. |
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136. Goss, S., & Tamaoka, K. (2015). Predicting lexical accent perception in native Japanese speakers: An investigation of acoustic pitch sensitivity and working memory.
Japanese Psychological Research, 57(2),143-154. |
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135. Verdonschot, R. G., Tamaoka, K. (2015).
Editorial: The production of speech sounds across languagesJapanese Psychological Research, 57(1),1-3. |
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134. Verdonschot, R. G., Lai, J., Feng, C., Tamaoka, K., & Schiller, N. O.(2015).
Constructing initial phonology in Mandarin Chinese: syllabic or sub-syllabic?
A masked priming investigation, Japanese Psychological Research, 57(1),61-68. |
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133. Saito, N., & Tamaoka, K. (2014). Koomoku ootoo riron niyoru kankoku-go goi nooryoku tesuto no kaihatsu [Developing Korean lexical knowledge test using the item response theory], Choosen Gakuhoo [Journal of the Academic Association of Koreanology in Japan], 233, 27-61. |
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132. Komori, K.,Tamaoka, K.,Saito, N.,& Miyaoka,Y. (2014). Acquisition of
Japanese kanji compound words by Chinese native speakers
Japanese as a second language Chuugoku-go washa no tameno nihongo kyooiku kenkyuu [Studies on Japanese language education for native Chinese speakers], 5, 1-16. |
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131. Zhang, J., Kiyama, S., & Tamaoka, K. (2014). Understanding of Japanese vogue words by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese
Language Education & Technology (The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology, LET). |
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130. Tamaoka, K. (2014). The Japanese writing system and lexical understanding.
Japanese Language and Literature (The American Association of Teachers of Japanese, AATJ). |
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129. Meerman, R., Kiyama, S., & Tamaoka, K. (2014). To What Extent
Does Accent Sensitivity Provide the Foundation for Lexical Knowledge and
Listening Comprehension? Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 4. |
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128. Koizumi, M., Yasugi, Y., Tamaoka, K., Kiyama, S., Kim, J., Esteban, J., Sian A., & Matzar, L. P. O. G. (2014). On the (non-)universality of the preference for subject-object word order in sentence comprehension: A sentence processing study in Kaqchikel Mayan, Language. |
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127. Tamaoka, K., Saito, N., Kiyama, S., Timmer, K., & Verdonschot, R.G. (2014). Is pitch accent necessary for comprehension by native Japanese speakers? An ERP investigation. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 27, 31-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.jneuroling.2013.08.001 |
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126.Zhang, J-Y., Tamaoka, K., & Hayakawa, K. (2014). Waseieigo no rikai niokeru eigo oyobi nihongo no goitisiki no eikyoo ? tyuugoku katoo tiiki no nihongo gakusyuusya o rei ni [Effects of Japanese and English vocabulary knowledge on comprehension of Japanized English words: A case study of Chinese students learning Japanese in the eastern China region]. Nihon Kyooka Kyooiku Gakkaisi [The Bulletin of Japanese Curriculum Research and Development] 36(4),23-32. |
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125. Tamaoka, K., Asano, M., Miyaoka, Y., & Yokosawa, K. (2014). Pre-and post-head processing for single-and double-scrambled sentences of a head-final language as measured by the eye tracking method.
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 43
167-185. DOI 10.1007/s10936-013-9244-8 |
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124. Kiyama, S., & Tamaoka, K. (2013). Response Strategy Changes Depending on the Interlocutor’s Face-saving and Face-threatening Acts: A DCT Study. Studies in Language Sciences, 12, 15-42. |
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123. Park, S-J., Tamaoka, K., & Lee, J-H. (2013). Kankokugo no 2-zi kanzigo no goisei asupekuto ni yoru doosika oyobi keiyoosika no yosoku [Predicting verbalization and adjectivization of Sino-Korean two-character compound words by four lexical aspects]. Studies in Language Sciences (Journal of the Japanese Society for Languages Sciences), 12, 135-151. |
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122. Chu, X-J., Tamaoka, K., & Hayakawa, K. (2013). Tyuugokuzin nihongo gakusyuusya no basyo o arawasu kakuzyosi de to ni no syuutoku ni eikyoosuru syoyooin [Factors influencing acquisition of the locative case-markers -de and -ni by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. Nittyuu Gengo Kenkyuu to Nihongo Kyooiku [Journal of Japanese and Chinese Linguistics and Japanese Language Teaching] 6 , 59-70. |
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121. Kitagawa, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Tomioka, S. (2013). Prosodic matters in intervention effects of Japanese: An experimental study. Lingua, 124, 41-63. |
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120. Kiyama, S., Tamaoka, K., Kim, J., & Koizumi, M. (2013). Effect of animacy on word order processing in Kaqchikel Maya. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 3, 203-207. DOI: 10.4236/ojml.2013.33027 |
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119. Tamaoka, K., & Kiyama, S. (2013). The effects of visual complexity for Japanese kanji processing with high and low frequencies. Reading and Writing, 26(2), 205-223. DOI 10.1007/s11145-012-9363-x |
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118. Verdonschot, R. G., Nakayama, M., Zhang, Q., Tamaoka, K., & Schiller, N. O. (2013). The Proximate Phonological Unit of Chinese-English Bilinguals: Proficiency Matters. PLoS ONE, 8(4), e61454. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061454 |
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117. Verdonschot, R. G., La Heij, W., Tamaoka, K., Kiyama, S., You, W. P., & Schiller, N. O. (2013). The multiple pronunciations of Japanese kanji: A masked priming investigation. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2013.773050 |
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116.Tamaoka, K. (2013). Mentaru rekisikon to goi syori - Levelt no WEAVER++ moderu [Mental lexicon and word processing: The Levelt WEAVER++ model]. Lexicon Forum, 6, 327-345. |
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115. Yamato, Y., Tamaoka, K. (2013). Tyuugokuzin nihongo gakusyuusya niyoru gairaigosyori eno eigorekisikon no eikyoo [Effects of English knowledge on the reading of Japanese texts via Japanese loanwords performed by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. Lexicon Forum, 6, 229-267. |
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114. Yamato, Y., Tamaoka, K. (2013). Tyuugokugo bogowasya to kankokugo bogowasya no nihongo tekisuto no yomisyori niokeru gengoteki ruizisei no eikyoo [Effects of linguistic similarity on Japanese text processing by native Chinese and Korean speakers]. Koide Kinen Nihongo Kyooiku Kenkyuukai Ronbunshuu [Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in Honor of Professor Fumiko Koide], 21, 61-73. |
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113. Yamato, Y., Tamaoka, K., Chu, X-J. (2013). Tyuugokuzin nihongo gakusyuusya no tekisuto no onrain yomi ni okeru goit o bunpoo nooryoku no eikyoo [Effects of lexical and grammatical ability for on-line text processing by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. Nihon Kyooka Kyooiku Gakkaisi [The Bulletin of Japanese Curriculum Research and Development], 36(1), 33-43. |
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112. Iida, K., Tamaoka, K. (2013). Kankokuzin to tyuugokuzin nihongo gakusyuusya niyoru oto syootyoogo no imi rikai [Semantic understanding of sound-symbolic words by native Korean and Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. Koide Kinen Nihongo Kyooiku Kenkyuukai Ronbunshuu [Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in Honor of Professor Fumiko Koide], 21, 7-18. |
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111. Kanduboda, A. B. P., & Tamaoka, K. (2012). Priority information determining the canonical word order of written Sinhalese sentences. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 2(1), 26-33. |
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110. Chu, X-J., Tamaoka, K., & Yamato, Y. (2013). Syokkyuu tyuugokuzin nihongo gakusyuusya no te kei syuutoku [Acquisition of te form by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese at the beginner’s level]. Nihon Kyooka Kyooiku Gakkaisi [The Bulletin of Japanese Curriculum Research and Development], 35(2), 63-72. |
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109. Fukuda, E., Saklofske, D. H., Tamaoka, K., & Lim, H. (2012). Factor Structure of the Korean version of Wong and Law's emotional intelligence scale. Assessment, 19(1), 3-7. DOI: 10.1177/1073191111428863 |
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108. Kiyama, S., Tamaoka, K., & Takiura, M. (2012). Applicability of Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory to a non-western culture evidence from Japanese facework behaviors. SAGE Open, 1-15. DOI: 10.1177/2158244012470116 |
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107. Tamaoka, K., Kiyama, S., & Chu, X-J. (2012). How do native Chinese speakers learning Japanese as a second language understand Japanese kanji homophones? Writing Systems Research, 4, 30-46. DOI:10.1080/17586801.2012.690008 |
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106. Hayakawa, K., & Tamaoka, K. (2012). Tyuugokuzin/kankokuzin nihongo gakusyuusya niyoru tyookaku/sikaku teizi no gengokan dookeigi/gengokan ikei doogigo no nizi kanzigo no syori [Processing of auditory-/visually-presented orthographically/semantically similar and dissimilar two-kanji compound words by native Chinese and Korean speakers learning Japanese]. Koide Kinen Nihongo Kyooiku Kenkyuukai Ronbunshuu [Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in Honor of Professor Fumiko Koide], 20, 17-32. |
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105. Iida, K., Tamaoka, K., & Chu, X-J. (2012). Tyuugokuzin nihongo gakusyuusya no oto syootyoogo no rikai [Understanding of sound-symbolic words by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. Nittyuu Gengo Kenkyuu to Nihongo Kyooiku [Journal of Japanese and Chinese Linguistics and Japanese Language Teaching], 5, 46-54. |
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104. Wei, C-C., Tamaoka, K., Yamato, Y. (2012). Danwakoozo niokeru siten no tooitudo ga nihongo tekisuto noyimisyori nioyobosu eikyoo [Effects of viewpoint consistency on reading a Japanese text]. Studies in Language Sciences (Journal of the Japanese Society for Languages Sciences), 11, 114-131. |
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103. Fukuda, E., Saklofske, D. H., Tamaoka, K., Miyaoka, Y., & Kiyama, S. (2011). Factor structure of Japanese versions of two emotional intelligence scales. International Journal of Testing, 11, 71-92. DOI: 10.1080/15305058.2010.516379 |
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102. Tamaoka, K., Kanduboda, P. B. A, & Sakai, H. (2011). Effects of word order alternation on the sentence processing of Sinhalese written and spoken forms. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 1(2), 24-32. DOI:10.4236/ojml.2011.12004 |
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101. Verdonschot, R. G., Kiyama, S., Tamaoka, K., Kinoshita, S., La Heij, W., & Schiller, N. O. (2011). The functional unit of Japanese word naming: Evidence from masked priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 27, 1458-1473. DOI: 10.1037/a0024491 |
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100. Tamaoka, K., Miyaoka, Y., Kim, S-J., & Lim, H-J. (2011). Kankokugo o bogo tosuru nihongo gakusyuusha no goi tyisiki ga onomatope no syuutoku ni ataeru eikyoo [Influences of lexical categories on acquisition of sound-symbolic words by native Korean speakers learning Japanese]. Gengo Kyooiku Hyooka Kenkyuu [Assessment and Evaluation in Language Education], 2, 36-41. |
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99. Tamaoka, K., Kiyama, S., Miyaoka, Y. (2011). Sinbun to syoosetu no koopasu ni okeru onomatope to doosi no kyooki pataan [Collocation patterns of sound-symbolic-words and verbs in corpora of a newspaper and novels]. Gengo Kenkyu, 139, 57-84. |
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98. Hayakawa, K., Tamaoka, K., & Kim, S. (2011). Onsei kara syozi eno tankan to sono tyookai eno eikyoo: Eigo kara nihongo ni syakuyoo sareta gairaigo no kankokuzin nihongo gakusyuusha niyoru kakitori o rei ni [Conversions from phonology to orthography and their effects on listening: A case study of describing Japanese loanwords from English by native Korean speakers learning Japanese]. Nihon Gakuhoo [The Journal of Japanese Studies], 87, 69-80. |
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97. Yamato, Y., Tamaoka, K. (2011). The on-line processing of kanji- and katakana-presented words in Japanese texts: A comparison of greater and lesser lexical knowledge groups of native Chinese speakers learning Japanese. Koide Kinen Nihongo Kyooiku Kenkyuukai Ronbunshuu [Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in Honor of Professor Fumiko Koide], 16, 73-86. |
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96. Tajima, M., Sato, N., Fukada, A., & Tamaoka, K. (2011). Kizyutu siki siken kaitoo ni taisuru kaitoo tositeno hyooka to nihongoryoku karano hyooka: Goiryoku o tyuusin ni [Evaluation of responses of an essay exam and evaluation of them as Japanese compositions: Focusing on vocabulary]. Remideau Kyooiku Kenkyuu [The Study of Remedial Education], 6(1), 39-46. |
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95. Kiyama, S., & Tamaoka, K. (2011). Zita ryooyoo no ‘-ka suru’ ni okeru zidoosi yoohoo to tadoosi yoohoo no hikaku: Sinbun koopasu no yoorei ni motozuku tahenryoo kaiseki [A comparison of transitive and intransitive usages of Japanese “-ka suru” verbs: Multivariate analyses of examples from a newspaper corpus]. Gengo Kenkyu, 139, 29-56. |
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94.Kiyama, S., Tamaoka, K., & Zhao, P. (2011). Gaikokugo tositeno nihongo (JFL) no goyooron-teki nooryoku ni kakawaru kiso-teki gengo tyisiki: Tyuugokugo o bogo tosuru nihongo gakusuusha o reini [Basic language abilities influencing pragmatic competence in Japanese as a foreign language: A case study of native Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. Gengo Kyooiku Hyooka Kenkyuu [Assessment and Evaluation in Language Education], 2, 2-14. |
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93. Lim, H., Tamaoka, K., & Miyaoka, Y. (2011). Hitei niyotte nihongo no kooi yookyuu gimonbun wa yori teinei ni naruno ka [Do requests in Japanese become politer by negation?]. Nihon Gakuhoo [The Journal of Japanese Studies], 86, 143-153. |
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92. Wei, C-C., Tamaoka, K. (2011). Tyuugokugo o bogo tosuru nihongo gakusyuusya no nihongo tekisuto no yomi niokeru siten no tooitudo no eikyoo. [Effects of viewpoint consistency on reading Japanese texts by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese in Taiwan. Nittyuu Gengo Kenkyuu to Nihongo Kyooiku [Journal of Japanese and Chinese Linguistics and Japanese Language Teaching], 4, 68-77. |
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91. Lim, H-J., Tamaoka, K., Miyaoka, Y., & Kim, S-J. (2010). Teineido hantee de sokutei sita poraitonesu sutoratozii no yooin ni kansuru ketteigi bunseki [Decision tree analysis on factors of politeness strategy measured by the degree of politeness]. Nihon Bunka Gakuhoo [Journal of Japanese Culture], 47, 101-115. |
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90. Koizumi, M., & Tamaoka, K. (2010). Psycholinguistic evidence for the VP-internal subject position in Japanese. Linguistic Inquiry, 41, 663-680. |
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89. Parrish, M. M, & Tamaoka, K. (2010). Overgeneralization of clitic and non-clitic negation: A study of Japanese EFL students' understanding of negative questions, Psychologia, 53, 86-101. |
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88. Tamaoka, K., & Ikeda, F. (2010). Whiskey or Bhiskey?: Influence of first-element and dialect region on sequential voicing of shoochuu. Gengo Kenkyu, 137, 65-79. |
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87. Tamaoka, K., & Taft M. (2010). The sensitivity of native Japanese speakers to On and Kun kanji readings. Reading and Writing, 23, 957-968. DOI 10.1007/s11145-009-9184-8 |
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86. Tamaoka, K., Lim, H., Miyaoka, Y., & Kiyama, S. (2010). Effects of gender-identity and gender-congruence on levels of politeness among young Japanese and Koreans. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 20, 23-45. DOI 10.1075/japc.20.1.02tam |
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85. Tamaoka, K., Chiu, H-C., Miyaoka, S., & Kiyama S. (2010). Tyuugokugo o bogo tosuru nihongo gakusuusya niyoru kakimaze gozyun no bun rikai: Tyookaku nooryoku de waketa zyooi/tyuui/kai gun no hikaku [Understanding of sentences with scrambled word order by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese: Comparisons of high-, mid-, and low-level listening comprehension groups]. Nihongo Bunpoo [Journal of Japanese Grammar], 10(1), 54-70. |
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84. Shibasaki, H., & Tamaoka, K. (2010). Kokugoka kyookasyo o motonisita syoo/tyuu gakkoo no bunsyoo nani gakunen hantee siki [Constructing a formula for levels of text difficulty based on Japanese language textbooks of elementary and junior high schools]. Nihon Kyooiku Koogakukai Ronbunsi [The Journal of Japanese Educational Technology], 33(4), 449-458. |
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83. Komori, K., & Tamaoka, K. (2010). Tyuugokuzin Nihongo gakusyuusya niyoru dookei ruigigo no nintyi syori [The cognitive processing of lexical homographs by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. Lexicon Forum, 5, 165-200. |
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82. Ihara, M., Tamaoka, K., & Murata, T. (2009). Lyman’s law effect in Japanese sequential voicing: Questionnaire-based nonword experiments. Collection of the papers selected from the 18th International Congress of Linguists, 1007-1018. |
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81. Tamaoka, K., Ihara, M., Murata, T., & Lim H. (2009). Effects of first-element phonological-length and etymological-type features on sequential voicing (rendaku) of second elements. Journal of Japanese Linguistics, 25, 17-38. |
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80. Miyaoka, Y., Tamaoka, K., Lim, H-J., & Chi, Y-G. (2009). Kankokugo o bogo tosuru nihongo gakusyuusya niyoru kanzi no kakitori ni kansuru kenkyuu: Gakusyuusya no goiryoku to kanzi ga hukumareru tango no siyoo hindo no eikyoo [The kanji writing ability of native Korean speakers learning Japanese: Effects of lexical knowledge and word frequency. Nihongo Kagaku [Japanese Linguistics], 25, 119-130. |
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79. Tamaoka, K., & Makioka, S. (2009). Japanese Mental Syllabary and Effects of Mora, Syllable, Bi-mora and Word Frequencies on Japanese Speech Production. Language and Speech, 52, 76-109. DOI: 10.1177/0023830908099884 |
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78. Meerman, A. D., & Tamaoka, K. (2008). Measuring the effects of intensive instruction on the rules of adjective order in English noun phrases for Japanese EFL students. International Journal of Curriculum Development and Practice, 10(1), 1-12. |
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77. Tamaoka, K., Meyer, P., Makioka, S., & Altmann, G. (2008). On the dynamics of the compounding of Japanese kanji with common and proper nouns. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 15, 136-153. DOI: 10.1080/09296170801961801 |
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76. Tamaoka, K., Lim, H-J., Chi, Y-G., & Shibasaki, H. (2008). Kankokugo bogo wasya niyoru wasei eigo no rikai [Understanding of Japanized English loanwords by native Korean speakers]. Lexicon Forum, 4, 195-222. |
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75. Komori, K., Tamaoka, K., & Kondo, A. (2008). Tyuugokugo o dai-1 gengo tosuru nihongo gakusyuusha no dookeigo no nintyi syori: Dookei ruigigo to dookei igigo o taisyoo ni [Cognitive processing of lexical homographs by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese: An investigation of semantically-overlapping and semantically-different lexical homographs]. Nihongo Kagaku [Japanese Linguistics], 23, 81-94. |
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74. Chen, H. C., Yamauchi, T., Tamaoka, K., & Vaid, J. (2007). Homophonic and semantic priming Japanese kanji words: A time course study. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,14(1), 64-69. |
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73. Tamaoka, K. (2007). Rebounding activation caused by lexical homophony in the processing of Japanese two-kanji compound words. Reading and Writing, 20, 413-439. DOI 10.1007/s11145-006-9036-8 |
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72. Tamaoka, K. (2007). On the relation between types and tokens of Japanese morae. In G. Altman and F. Fengxiang (Eds.), Quantitative Linguistics (Special Issue: Analysis of script: Properties of characters and writing system), 63, 141-146. |
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71. Tamaoka, K. (2007). The dual mechanism for processing English and Japanese verbs. Studies in Language Sciences, 6, 35-43. |
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70. Tamaoka, K., Matsumoto, M., & Sakamoto, T. (2007). Identifying empty subjects by modality information: The case of the Japanese sentence-final particles -yo and ?ne. Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 16, 145-170. DOI 10.1007/s10831-007-9010-8 |
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69. Tanaka, J.-I., Tamaoka, K., & Sakai, H. (2007). Syntactic priming effects on the processing of Japanese sentences with canonical and scrambled word orders. Cognitive Studies, 14(2), 173-191. |
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68. Shibasaki, H., Tamaoka, K., & Takatori, Y. (2007). Amerikazin wa wasei eigo o donokurai rikai dekiruka: Eigo bogo wasya no wasei eigo no tyisiki to imi suisoku ni kansuru tyoosa [To what extent do Americans understand Japanized English loanwords?: Investigating knowledge and inference of loanword meanings. Nihongo Kagaku [Japanese Linguistics], 21, 89-110. |
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67. Shibasaki, H., Tamaoka, K., & Wu, Y-X. (2007). Sizen syuutoku no onkei: Nihongo no tansyukugo hukugen kadai niokeru tyuugoku to nihon no gakusyuu kankyoo no hikaku [Benefits of natural acquisition: A contrastive study of Chinese and Japanese learning environments regarding restoration of Japanese shortened words]. Lexicon Forum, 3, 335-350. |
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66. Komori, K., Tamaoka, K., & Kondoh, A. (2007). Dai-2 gengo tositeno nihongo no tango nintyi ni oyobosu bun bunmyaku no eikyoo [The influence of sentence contexts on processing of words in Japanese as a second language: An investigation of inhibitory effects in correctness decision of mixed-language sentences]. Koide Kinen Nihongo Kyooiku Kenkyuukai Ronbunshuu [Papers of the Japanese Language Teaching Association in Honor of Professor Fumiko Koide], 15, 7-21. |
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65. Meerman, A. D., & Tamaoka, K. (2006). Can Japanese ESL students recognize the correct order of adjectives in noun phrases? International Journal of Curriculum Development and Practice, 8(1), 1-11. |
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64. Tamaoka, K., & Koizmumi, M. (2006). Issues on the scrambling effects in the processing of Japanese sentences: Reply to Miyamoto and Nakamura (2005) regarding the experimental study by Koizumi and Tamaoka (2004). Gengo Kenkyu, 129, 181-226. |
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63. Miyaoka, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Lim, H-J. (2006). Settoo/setubizi to kanzi nizi zyukugo no ketugooryoku nikansuru nikkan taisyoo kenkyuu [A contrastive study on bounding power of affix/suffix and two kanji compound words]. Nihongogaku Kenkyuu [The Study of the Japanese Language] , 16, 33-46. |
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62.Tamaoka, K. (2006). ‘ketteigi’ bunseki niyoru koopasu kenkyuu no kanoosei: Fukusi to kyooki-suru setuzokuzyosi kara, node, noni no buntyuu/bunmatu hyoogen o rei ni [The possibility of ‘decision tree’ analysis on collocation frequencies: In the case of conjunctive particles kara, node and noni co-occurring with adverbs at the middle and end of sentences]. Sizen Gengo Syori [Journal of Natural Language Processing], 13(2), 169-179. |
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61.Koizumi, M., Tamaoka, K. (2006). Bun kaiseki zikken niyoru nihongo hukusirui no kihon gozyun no hantei [The canonical positions of adjuncts in the processing of Japanese sentences]. Ninti Kagaku [Cognitive Studies], 13(3), 392-403. |
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60. Miyaoka, Y., & Tamaoka, K. (2005). An investigation of the right-hand head rule applied to Japanese affixes, Glottometrics, 10, 45-54. |
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59. Tamaoka, K., Sakai, H., Kawahara, J., Miyaoka, Y., Lim, H., & Koizumi, M. (2005). Priority information used for the processing of Japanese sentences: Thematic roles, case particles or grammatical functions? Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 34(3), 281-332. DOI: 10.1007/s10936-005-3641-6 |
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58. Tamaoka, K., & Altmann, G. (2005). Mathematical modelling for Japanese kanji strokes in relation to frequency, asymmetry and readings, Glottometrics, 10, 16-29. |
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57. Tamaoka, K. (2005). The effect of morphemic homophony on the processing of Japanese two-kanji compound words. Reading and Writing, 18, 281-302. DOI 10.1007/s11145-005-3354-0 |
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56. Tamaoka, K., Matsuoka, C., Sakai, H., & Makioka, S. (2005). Predicting attachment of the light verb ?suru to Japanese two-kanji compound words using four aspects, Glottometrics, 10, 73-81. |
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55. Tamaoka, K. (2005). Tyuugokugo o bogo tosuru nihongo gakusyuusya niyoru seizyun/kakimaze gozyun no noodoobun to kanoobun no rikai [Comprehension of Japanese active and potential sentences with canonical and scrambled word orders by native Chinese speakers learning the Japanese language]. Nihongo Bunpoo [Journal of Japanese Grammar], 5(2), 92-109. |
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54. Tamaoka, K. (2005). Meimei kadai nioite kanzi 1-zi no syozi to on’in no tan’i wa itti suru ka [Is an orthographic unit of a single Japanese kanji equivalent to a kanji phonological unit in the naming task?] Ninti Kagaku [Cognitive Studies], 12(2), 47-73. |
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53. Lim, H-J., Tamaoka, K., & Miyaoka, Y. (2005). Mikaku keiyoosi amai, turai, sibui, nigai, siokarai, suppai no kihongi to betugi nikansuru sinbun oyobi syoosetu no koopasu syutugen hindo no kaiseki [Analysis of corpus frequency of a newspaper and novels regarding basic and alternative meanings of adjectives describing tastes amai, turai, sibui, nigai, siokarai, suppai], Nihongo Kenkyuu [The Study of the Japanese Language], 12, 131-142. |
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52. Koizumi, M., & Tamaoka, K. (2004). Cognitive processing of Japanese sentences with ditransitive verbs, 言語研究 [Gengo Kenkyu] (Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan), 125, 173-190. |
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51. Tamaoka, K., & Altmann, G. (2004). Symmetry of Japanese kanji lexical productivity on the left- and right-hand sides. Glottometrics, 7,68-88. |
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50. Tamaoka, K., & Makioka, S. (2004). Frequency of occurrence for units of phonemes, morae and syllables appearing in a lexical corpus of a Japanese newspaper. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 36(3), 531-547. |
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49. Tamaoka, K., & Makioka, S. (2004). New figures for a Web-accessible database of the 1,945 basic Japanese kanji, fourth edition. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 36(3), 548-558. |
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48. Tamaoka, K., & Terao, Y. (2004). Mora or syllable? - Which unit do Japanese use in naming visually-presented stimuli? Applied Psycholinguistics, 25, 1-27. DOI: 10.1017.S0142716404001018 |
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47. Tamaoka, K. Lim, H., & Sakai, H. (2004). Entropy and redundancy of Japanese lexical and syntactic compound verbs. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 11(3), 233-250. DOI: 10.1080/0929617042000314976 |
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46. Tamaoka, K., Makioka, S., & Murata, T. (2004). Are the effects of vowel repetition influenced by frequencies?: A corpus study on CVCVCV-structured nouns with and without vowel repetition.Glottometrics, 8, 1-11. |
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45. Tamaoka, K., & Miyaoka, Y. (2003). The cognitive processing of Japanese loanwords in katakana. Japanese Psychological Research, 45(2), 69-79. |
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44. Tamaoka, K. (2003). Where do statistically-derived indicators and human strategies meet when identifying On- and Kun-readings of Japanese kanji? Cognitive Studies, 10, 441-468. |
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43. Tamaoka, K., Ninomiya, A., & Nakaya, A. (2003). What makes international students satisfied with a Japanese university? Asia Pacific Education Review, 4, 119-128. |
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42. Tamaoka, K., Sakai, H., Kawahara, J., & Miyaoka, Y. (2003). The effects of phrase-length order and scrambling in the processing of visually-presented Japanese sentences. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 32, 431-455. |
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41. Yamada, J., & Tamaoka, K. (2003). Measurement errors in voice-key naming latency for hiragana. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 97, 1100-1106. |
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40. Tamaoka, K., Miyaoka, Y., & Lim, H-J. (2003). Entoropii to zyootyoodo de hyoogen no tayoosei to kisokusei o arawasu kokoromi - kankokugokei nihongo gakusyuusya no keigo hyoogen o rei ni [Indexes of entropy and redundancy for measuring variation and regularity of expressions: The example of polite expressions as used by Korean native speakers learning Japanese]. Nihongo Kagaku [Japanese Linguistics], 14, 98-112. |
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39. Tamaoka, K., Kosaka, K. (2003). Syuugakumae 5-sai-zi o taisyoo tosita tyookakusei bun rikai tesuto no sakusei [Constructing an auditory sentence comprehension test for five-year-old pre-school children]. Onsei Gengo Igaku [The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics], 44(4), 315-320. |
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38. Lim, H-J., Tamaoka, K. (2003). Syokuba niokeru onii-san oyobi onee-san no sinzoku meisyoo siyoo nikansuru nikkan taisyoo kenkyuu [A contrastive study of Japanese and Koreans on address terms of onii-san and onee-san at the work place]. Nihon Bunka Gakuhoo [Journal of Japanese culture], 18, 21-35. |
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37. Hatta, T., Kawakami, A., & Tamaoka, K. (2002). Errors in writing Japanese kanji: A comparison of Japanese schoolchildren, college students and second-language learners of Japanese. Asian Pacific Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing, 7, 157-166. |
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36. Morita, A., & Tamaoka, K. (2002). Phonological involvement in the processing of Japanese at the lexical and sentence levels. Reading and Writing, 15, 633-651. |
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35. Morita, A., & Tamaoka, K. (2002). Semantic involvement in the lexical and sentence processing of Japanese kanji. Brain and Language, 82, 54-64. |
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34. Tamaoka, K., Kirsner, K., Yanase, Y., Miyaoka, Y., & Kawakami, M. (2002). A Web-accessible database of characteristics of the 1,945 basic Japanese kanji. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 34, 260-275. |
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Miyaoka, Y., Tamaoka, K. (2002). Zyookyuu reberu no tyuugokugokei nihongo gakusyuusya to kankokugokei nihongo gakusyuusya no keigosyuutoku no hikaku [Differences in the acquisition of Japanese honorific expressions by native Chinese and Korean speakers with advanced Japanese ability]. Dokusyo Kagaku [The Science of Reading],46, 63-71. |
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32. Tamaoka, K., Miyaoka, Y., & Huang C-C. (2002). Ryoosai-buru tuma wa akusai ka: setubizi buru huka niyoru kati hyooka no tenkan to syuusoku [Does pretending to be a good wife mean being a bad wife?: Displacement and convergence of lexical value with an attachment of the suffix ?buru]. Nihongo Kyoiku [Journal of Japanese Language Teaching], 114, 1-10. |
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31. Lim, H., Tamaoka, K., & Fukami, K. (2002). Nihongo to kankokugo niokeru kosyoosentaku no tekisetusei [The degree of appropriateness of the use of address terms in Japanese and Korean]. Nihongo Kagaku [Japanese Linguistics], 11, 31-54. |
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30. Miyaoka, Y., & Tamaoka, K. (2001). Use of Japanese honorific expressions by native Chinese speakers. Psychologia, 44, 209-222. |
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29. Morita, A., & Tamaoka, K. (2001). Effects of orthographic similarity in processing Japanese kanji. Psychologia, 44, 237-249. |
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28. Tamaoka, K., & Murata, T. (2001). OCP effects on Japanese phonological processing. Phonological Studies, 4, 119-126. |
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27. Tamaoka, K. (2001). The relationship between international students' Japanese learning environment and their knowledge of special cultural expressions. The Science of Reading, 45, 10-18. |
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26. Tamaoka, K., & Yamada, H. (2000). The effects of stroke order and radicals on the knowledge of Japanese kanji orthography, phonology and semantics. Psychologia, 43, 199-210. |
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25. Miyaoka, Y., & Tamaoka, K. (2000). Taiguuhyoogen no tekisetusei handan niokeru tiikisa, sedaisa oyobi danzyosa no eikyoo [The effects of differences in regional area, generation and gender on the appropriateness of polite expressions in Japanese]. Dokusyo Kagaku [The Science of Reading], 44, 63-72. |
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24. Tamaoka, K. (2000). Tyuugokei oyobi eigokei nihongo gakusyuusya no bogo no hyooki keitai ga nihongo no on'in syori nioyobosu eikyoo [The effects of mother-tongue scripts on the phonological processing of the Japanese language by Chinese and English speakers]. Dokusyo Kagaku [The Science of Reading], 44, 83-94. |
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23. Miyaoka, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Ukita, S. (1999). Gaikokuzin ga motyiita taiguu hyoogen ni taisuru tyuugoku tyihoo zaizyuu no nihonzin no hyooka [The evaluation of polite expressions in the speech of foreigners by native Japanese speakers in the Chugoku Area]. Nihongo Kyooiku [Journal of Japanese Language Teaching], 103, 40-48. |
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22. Tamaoka, K., & Takahashi, N. (1999). Kanzi nizi zyukugo no syozi koodoo niokeru goi siyoo hindo oyobi syoziteki hukuzatusei no eikyoo [The effects of word frequency and orthographic complexity on the writing process of Japanese two-morpheme compound words]. Sinrigaku Kenkyuu [The Japanese Journal of Psychology], 70, 45-50. |
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21. Tamaoka, K., & Murata, T. (1999). Nihongo boin no onsei haieraaki: Boin o syotoo’on to suru 3-haku koosei no muimigo no meimei kadai kara no koosatu [The hierarchical structure of Japanese vowels: A naming task investigation of 3-mora non-words with initial vowel sounds]. Dokusyo Kagaku [The Science of Reading], 43, 79-89. |
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20. Hatta, T., Kawakami, A., & Tamaoka, K. (1998). Writing errors in Japanese kanji: A study with Japanese students and foreign learners of Japanese. Reading and Writing, 10, 457-470. |
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19. Leong, C. K., & Tamaoka, K. (1998). Cognitive processing of Chinese characters, words, sentences and Japanese kanji and kana: An introduction. Reading and Writing, 10, 155-164. |
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18. Tamaoka, K., & Hatsuzuka, M. (1998). The effects of morphological semantics on the processing of Japanese two-kanji compound words. Reading and Writing, 10, 293-322. |
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17. Tamaoka, K., Hatsuzuka, M., Kess, J. F., & Bogdan, D. R. (1998). Hiragana tai katakana: Goi oyobi gizigo no syori niokeru hyooki no sinkinsei kooka [Hiragana vs. katakana: The script familiarity effect on the processing of Japanese words and pseudo-words]. Dokusyo Kagaku [The Science of Reading], 42, 79-89. |
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16. Tamaoka, K., & Hatsuzuka, M. (1997). Hiragana to katakana no syori niokeru kankaku benbetu oyobi kankaku sikibetu kinou [Sense-discriminative and sense-determinative functions in the processing of Japanese hiragana and katakana]. Dokusyo Kagaku [The Science of Reading], 41, 15-28. |
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15. Saklofske, D. H., Tamaoka, K., & Hildebrand, D.(1996). An examination of Japanese children's performance on the draw-a-person: A quantitative scoring system. Psychologia, 39, 17-23. |
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14. Leong, C. K., & Tamaoka, K. (1995). Use of phonological information in processing kanji and katakana by skilled and less skilled Japanese readers. Reading and Writing, 7, 377-393. |
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13. Menzel, B., & Tamaoka, K. (1995). Der? Die?? Das??? Genuszuweisung bei Anfangern: Zufall, Pauken order Strategie? Deutsch als Fremdsprache, 32, 12-22. |
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12. Tamaoka, K., & Menzel, B. (1995). Die alphabetische Verschriftlichung des Japanischen: "Sesam-offne-Dich" order zusatzliche Fehlerquelle? Zeitschrift fur Fremdspracheforschung, 6, 108-128. |
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11. Tamaoka, K., & Hatsuzuka, M. (1995). Kanzi nizi zyukugo no syori niokeru kanzi siyoohindo no eikyoo [The effects of kanji printed-frequency on processing Japanese two-morpheme compound words]. Dokusyo Kagaku [The Science of Reading], 39, 121-137. |
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10. Tamaoka, K., & Takahashi, T. (1994). Understanding humor from another culture: Comprehension of parental brain twisters by Japanese university students learning English as a second language. Psychologia, 37, 150-157. |
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9. Tamaoka, K., & Taft, M. (1994). Haku wa on’in syori no saisyoo tan’i to nariuruka?: Gizi gairaigo no goi seigo handan kara no koosatu [Is the smallest unit in phonological processing equivalent to the smallest unit in orthographic processing? : Lexical judgments of katakana nonwords]. Sinrigaku Kenkyuu [The Japanese Journal of Psychology], 65, 377-382. |
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8. Tamaoka, K., & Menzel, B. (1994). Nihongo kyooiku niokeru roomazi siyoo hihan no rironteki konkyo nikansuru gengo sinrigakuteki koosatu [To use or not to use romaji: A psycholinguistic evaluation of the arguments against the use of romaji for teaching Japanese with learners of alphabetic mother tongues]. Dokusyo Kagaku [The Science of Reading], 38, 104-116. |
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7. Tamaoka, K., Saklofske, D., & Ide, M. (1993). The non-verbal reasoning ability of Japanese children measured by Naglieri's (1985) matrix analogies test: short form. Psychologia, 36, 53-60. |
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6. Tamaoka, K., & Takahashi, T. (1992). Can efficiency of English word decoding be a good predictor of English ability for Japanese students? Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 3, 43-52. |
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5. Tamaoka, K., Leong, C. K., & Hatta, T. (1992). Effects of vocal interference on identifying kanji, hiragana and katakana words by skilled and less skilled Japanese readers in Grades 4-6. Psychologia, 35, 33-41. |
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4. Tamaoka, K. (1992). Eigo o bogo to suru nihongo gakusyuusya no tango syori no kooritu [Word processing efficiency of English speaking learners of Japanese language]. Ibunkakan Kyooiku [Intercultural/Transcultural Education], 6, 99-113. |
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3. Kawakami, A., Hatta, T., & Tamaoka, K. (1991). Reading processes of English sentences in Japanese and Canadian students. Reading and Writing, 3, 31-42. |
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2. Tamaoka, K., Leong, C. K., & Hatta, T. (1991). Processing numerals in Arabic, kanji, hiragana and Katakana by skilled and less skilled readers in Grades 4-6. Psychologia, 34, 200-206. |
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1. Kawakami, A., Hatta, T., & Tamaoka, K., (1991). Nihonzin daigakuseii to kanadazin daigakusei niokeru eibun no yomi syori katei no hikaku [Japanese and Canadian students’ word recognition and comprehension of English text]. Dokusyo Kagaku [The Science of Reading], 35(2), 66-71. |
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Nonrefereed papers (74 articles including 20 papers which Tamaoka is the first author.)
Note: References are described using the publication manual of APA (American Psychological Association).
Japanese articles are presented in the Kunrei-style alphabetization with a long vowel repeating two
vowels like oo, uu and ii, while proper nouns are described in the Hepburn-style alphabetization.
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77. Zhang, Jingyi, Lei Wang & Katsuo Tamaoka (2021). Comprehension of temporal and duplicative movement onomatopoeia
by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese. Studies Linguistica, 35, 87-102. |
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76. Zhang, Jingyi & Katsuo Tamaoka (2021). Development of a beginner-to-intermediate level Chinese grammatical knowledge test: Evaluation by
data from native Japanese speakers learning Chinese. Studies Linguistica, 35, 51-68. |
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75. Tamaoka, Katsuo (2020). The causal relation between the Japanese language proficiency of 850 foreign learners and productive
frequencies of lexical categories in expository text, Studies Linguistica, 34, 45-64. |
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74. Hoang, T., & Tamaoka, K. (2019).Developing objective indexes of phonological similarities for two-kanji compound words used in both the Japanese and Vietnamese languages. Studies Linguistica, 33, 133-146. |
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73. Li, L., & Tamaoka, K. (2019).Comprehension and responses for in direct speech acts by native Chinese speakers leaning Japanese. Studies Linguistica, 33, 35-54. |
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72. Yamato, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Saito, N. (2019).Developing evaluation criteria for Japanese narrative abilities using the corpus data of the International Corpus Japanese as a Second Language. Studies Linguistica, 33, 55-74. |
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71. Yu, S., Tamaoka, K., & Hoang, T. (2019). Construction of a database and search engine on the phonological similarity of two-kanji compound words in Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese. Studies Linguistica, 33, 75-94. |
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70. Yang, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Zhang, J. (2019). How do grammatical abilities affect readabilities and lexical characteristics of essays written by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese?. Studies Linguistica, 33, 147-165. |
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69. Tamaoka, Katsuo (2018). Effectiveness of the use of roman-ji in Japanese education,
Language and Script: Special Issue - Japanese Script and Notation, 10,123-133. |
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68. Tamaoka, K., Zhang, J., & Satoh T. (2017). An experimental study on psychological reality of double accusative constraint by the maze task. Studies Linguistica, 32, 115-129. |
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67. Oota, S., & Tamaoka, K. (2017). Sequential voicing and accent: A case of common nouns and nonsense words Vance, T. J., E. Kaneko and Y. Watanabe (Eds.), Studies of sequential voicing: National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) project research collections,(pp. 69-93), Tokyo: Kaitakusha. |
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66. Yamato, Y., Tamaoka, K., Xiong, K., & Kim, J. (2017). Investigating a causal relation betwee Japanese lexical ability and kanji reading/writing by native Korean speakers learning Japanese. Studies Linguistica, 31, 21-38. |
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65. Zhang, J., Tamaoka, K., & Katsukawa, Y. (2017). Development of a Chinese lexical knowledge test: Evaluation by data from native Japanese speakers learning Chinese at the HSK3 level. Studies Linguistica, 31, 39-58. |
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64. Hayakawa, K., Yu, S., Chu, X., & Tamaoka, K. (2017). Objective indexes of phonological similarity between Japanese and Chinese two-kanji compound words: A comparative study on objective and
subjective indexes. Bulletin of Japanese Language Education Center, Kansei Gakuin University, 21-34. |
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63. Yamato, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Kayamoto, Y. (2016). Developing and evaluating a lexical knowledge test for Japanese learners with non-kanji backgrounds using Filipinos learning Japanese as a
foreign language. Studies Linguistica, 30, 39-58. |
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62. Zhang, J., & Tamaoka, K. (2016). Syntactic structure of sentences with zai and you verbs for locational expressions. Studies Linguistica, 30, 21-37. |
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61. Yuu, K., Tamaoka, K., & Sakai, H. (2016). Psycholinguistic investigation of subject incorporation in Turkish. Csato, Eva A., Karakoc, Birsel & Menz, Astrid (Eds.), The Uppsala Meeting : Proceedings of the 13th International Turkish Linguistics Conference (Turcologica 110), (pp.144-150), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. |
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60. Hayakawa, K., Wei Z., Chu, X., & Tamaoka, K. (2016). Developing and evaluating a Japanese listening comprehension test using the data elicited from native Chinese and Korean speakers
learning Japanese. Bulletin of Japanese Language Education Center, Kansei Gakuin University, 5,31-45. |
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59. Hayakawa, K., Tamaoka, K. (2015). Development of the revised version of the structure-based Japanese grammatical knowledge test: The evaluation by data from native Chinese speakers
learning Japanese. Studies Linguistica, 29,5-24. |
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58. Saito, N., & Tamaoka, K. (2015). Evaluating a Korean grammatical ability test using the data elicited from native Chinese and Japanese speakers learning Korean. Studies Linguistica, 29,25-42. |
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57. Yu, S., & Tamaoka, K. (2015). A Web-accessible search engine for grammatical category for orthographically-similar two-kanji compound words between Japanese, Korean and Chinese.Studies Linguistica, 29, 43-61. |
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56. Tamaoka, K. (2015). Chapter 18: Processing of the Japanese language by native Chinese speakers. In Mineharu Nakayama (Ed.),
Handbooks of Japanese Psycholinguistics (pp.283-332), Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton. |
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55. Tamaoka, K. (2015). Are all pseudonyms pronounced in the same way?. Words and Scripts, 3,114-124. |
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54 Saito, N., & Tamaoka, K. (2014). A causal relationship between lexical ability and reading comprehension in Korean by native Japanese speakers. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 28, 111-123. |
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53 Mansbridge, M., Hayakawa, K., & Tamaoka, K. (2014). Task effects on sentence processing using eye-tracking. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 28, 91-110. |
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52 Mu, X., & Tamaoka, K. (2014). A study on the subjective property of kara: Corpus search and sentence processing experiment. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 28, 71-90. |
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51 Huang, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Bulaeva, M. E. (2014). Structure and change of politeness factors and awareness by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese: Focusing on difficulties rejecting a request. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 28, 51-69. |
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50 Park, S., Xiong, K., & Tamaoka, K. (2014). A database of grammatical categories for orthographically-similar two-kanji compound words among Japanese, Korean and Chinese. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 27, 53-111. |
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49 Xiong, K., & Tamaoka, K. (in press). A database of grammatical categories for orthographically-similar two-kanji compound words among Japanese, Korean and Chinese. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 27, 25-51. |
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48 Park, S., Xiong, K., & Tamaoka, K. (2014). A database of grammatical categories for orthographically-similar two-kanji compound words among Japanese, Korean and Chinese. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 27, 3-23. |
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47 Lim, H., Tamaoka, K., & Miyaoka, Y. (2014). Daigaku kyooin-kan no ?san to ?sensei no kosyoo sentaku ni eikyoo suru syoyooin [Factors influencing selection of address terms of ?san and ?sensei among university instructors]. Yamaguti Kenritu Daigaku Gakuzyutu Zyoohoo [Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University (Bulletins and Records of Research Activities)], 69-15. |
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46 Miyaoka, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Sakai, H. (2014) Nihongo no bunpou nouryoku tesuto no kaihatsu to shinraisei: Nihongo gakushuusya no deta niyoru tesuto hyoka [Developing Japanese grammar test and its reliability: Test evaluation by data taken from Japanese learners]. Hiroshima Keizai Daigaku Kenkyu Ronshu [Research Journal of Hiroshima University of Economics], 36(4).33-46 |
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45 Lim, H.& Tamaoka, K. (2013). Kosyoo-no yooninsei handan to jyoodoo tinoo no kankei [The relationships between acceptablity judgments for address terms and emotional intelligence (EI)] Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 26, 25-38. |
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44 Chu, X-J., & Tamaoka, K. (2013). Tyuugozin nihongo gakusyuusya niyoru goi/bunpoo tisyiki kara zyutubu koozoo no rikai o tyuukai tosita dokkai eno inga kankei moderu no kensyoo [Investigation on the causal relation model from lexical/grammatical knowledge via predicates towards reading comprehension by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 26, 5-24. |
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43 Tamaoka, K., & Chu, X-J. (2013). Tyuugokuzin nihongo gakusyuusya no goiteki hukugoo doosi no syuutoku ni eikyoo suru syoyooin [Factors influencing acquisition of lexical compound words by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. In T. Kageyama (Ed.) Hukugoo doosi no nazo ni semaru [Approaching the mystery of compound verbs](pp. 413 - 430), Tokyo: Hituzi Shobo. |
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42. Ikeda, F., & Tamaoka, K. (2013). Yamaguti hoogen no tokusyu moora o hukumu go no sansyutu ni okeru akusento kaku no iti ni kansuru sedai-kan hikaku [Generational comparison on locations of accent core in produced words including the special morae]. Yamaguti Kenritu Daigaku Gakuzyutu Zyoohoo [Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University (Bulletins and Records of Research Activities)] 6, 25-32. |
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41. Saito, S., Tamaoka, K., & Wu, Y-X. (2012). Tyuugokugo bogo wasya to kangokugo bogo wasya wa zyookenbun ‘to’ o donoyooni rikai siteiruka [How do native Chinese and Korean speakers understand conditional ‘to’?]. Kyuusyuu Daigaku Kiyou [Research Bulletin, International Student Center, Kyusyu University], 20, 1-9. |
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40. Saito, N., Tamaoka, K., & Wu, Y-X. (2012). Tyuugokuzin nihongo gakusyuusya no bunsyoo oyobi bun reberu no rikai ni okeru goi to bunpoo nooryoku no eikyoo [Effects of lexical/grammatical knowledge on understanding of texts and sentences by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 25, 5-20. |
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39. Miyaoka, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Sakai, H. (2011). Nihongo goi tesuto no kaihatu to sinraisei: tyuugokugo o bogo to suru nihongo gakusyuusya no deeta niyoru tesuto hyooka [Developing Japanese vocabulary test and its reliability: Test evaluation by data taken from native Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. Hiroshima Keizai Daigaku Kenkyu Ronshuu [Research Journal of Hiroshima University of Economics], 34(1), 1-18. |
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38. Tamaoka, K. (2010). Koopasu bunseki no kenkyuurei 2: Hukugoo doosi no keiryoo-teki kaiseki [An example study on corpora #2: A quantitative analysis of compound verbs]. In K. Nakamoto and J-H. Lee (Eds.). Ninti gengogaku kenkyuu no hoohoo [Methods for studies of cognitive linguistics] (pp. 181-195), Tokyo: Hituzi Syoboo. |
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37. Tamaoka, K., & Toksoz, L. (2010). Atarasiku tukurareta tansyukugo siyoo ni kansuru sedaikan hikaku [Generational differences in use of newly-created shortened Japanese words]. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 23, 85-99. |
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36. Sun, M., Koizumi, M., Tamaoka, K., & Miyaoka, Y. (2010). Daini gengo tosite no ‘teiru’ no syuutoku ni okeru goi/bunpoo nooryoku no yakuwari [Roles of lexical/grammatical abilities for acquisition of ?teiru in the second language]. Toohoku Daigaku Gengogaku Ronsyuu [Tohoku Studies in Linguistics], 19, 47-59. |
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35.Yamato, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Chu, X-J. (2010). Tyuugokuzin nihongo gakusyuusya ni yoru gairaigo oyobi kanzigo no syori ni okeru gakusyuu kikan no eikyoo [Effect of Japanese learning-length on the processing of loanwords and kanji compounds by native Chinese speaking students]. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica],23, 101-120. |
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34. Tajima, M., Fukada, A., Sato, T., & Tamaoka, K. (2009). Goi sihyoo suuti to bunsyoo syukan hyooka no kankei: Nihonzin daigakusei ni yoru 2-syurui no kakikotoba koopasu o tukatta zissyoo kenkyuu [Relation between values of lexical indexes and text subjective-evaluation: An empirical study using two kinds of written corpora by a Japanese university student]. Tyuuoo Gakuin Daigaku ? Ningen/Sizen Ronsyuu [Chuo Gakuin University ? the Journal of Human and Nature], 29, 56-77. |
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33.Meerman, A. D., & Tamaoka, K. (2009). Japanese university EFL students understanding of commonly-used Japanized-English (wasei-eigo) expressions. Kurume Daigaku Gaikokugo Kyooiku Kenkyuuzyo Kiyoo [Kurume University Bulletin of Institute for Foreign Language Education], 16, 19-40. |
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32. Matsuoka, C., Tamaoka, K., & Sakai, H. (2009). Asupekuto ni yoru kanzi 2-zi zyukugo no sahen hukugoo doosika ni taisuru yosoku [Predicting attachment of the light verb ?suru to Japanese two-kanji compound words using four aspects]. In Y. Yumoto and H. Kishimoto (Eds.), Goi no imi to bunpoo [Lexical meanings and grammar] (pp. 121-137), Tokyo: Kurosio Syuppan |
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31. Yamato, Y. & Tamaoka, K. (2009). Tyuugokuzin nihongo gakusyuusya no nihongo kanzigo no syori ni okeru bogo no eikyoo [The effects of mother-tongue on the processing of Japanese kanji-compound words by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 22, 117-135. |
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30. Lim, H., & Tamaoka, K. (2009). Kankokuzin daigakusei no senpai ni taisuru ‘sinzoku meisyo’ to ‘zitumei’ no siyoo ni kansuru tekisetudo o motomeru syoyooin [Factors determining the degree of appropriateness of ‘kinship terms’ and ‘family/given name’ usages toward seniors by Korean university students]. Kotoba no Kagaku [Studia Linguistica], 22, 137-149. |
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29. Wu, Y-X., Tamaoka, K., Zhao, X-N., Yang, J-J., & Ye, R. (2008). Riyu Zhuanye Xuesheng Cihui Xide Tedian Yanjiu [A study on lexical acquisition by students majored in Japanese language]. Xi’an Waiguoyu Daxue Xuebao [Journal of Xi’an International Studies University], 16, 64-66. |
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28. Lim, H., Tamaoka, K., & Miyaoka, Y. (2008). Nihongo to kankokugo no daisansya taiguu hyoogen: Kikite no tigai ga tasyoosi to zyutugo taiguu sentaku ni oyobosu eikyoo [Third person honorifics in Japanese and Korean: Effects on selections of combinations of reference terms and predicates for the third person when talking to a different ‘powered’ listener]. Yamaguti Kenritu Daigaku Kokusai Bunka Gakubu Kiyoo [Bulletin of International Cultural Department, Yamaguchi Prefectural University], 14, 56-70. |
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27. Meerman, A. D. & Tamaoka, K. (2005). Japanese ESL student correctness decisions for noun phases exhibiting short and long distance adjective disordering, Hirosima Syuudoo Daigaku - Zinbunhen [Studies in The Humanities and Sciences, Hiroshima Shudo University], 46(2), 55-69. |
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26.Tamaoka, K., Matsushita, T., & Motoda, S. (2005). Nihongoban can-do Scale wa dorekurai seikaku ni nihongo nooryoku o sokutei siuruka [How accurately does a Japanese version of a can-do scale measure Japanese language ability?]. Ryugakusei Kyooiku (Hirosima Daigaku Ryuugakusei Sentaa Syuppan) [Journal of International Education (International Student Center, Hiroshima University)], 9, 65-78. |
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25. Tamaoka, K. (2005). Sanzui to itohen wa donokurai kanzi no imi ni eikyoo suru ka [How much do ‘water’ and ‘string’ radicals contribute to kanji meanings?]. Hirosima Daigaku Ryuugakusei Sentaa Kiyoo [Bulletin of the International Student Center, Hiroshima University], 15, 11-24. |
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24. Miyaoka, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Wu, Y-X. (2004). Tyugokugo o bogo tosuru nihongo gakusyuusya nobunpoo tisiki ga keigo syuutoku ni oyobosu eikyoo [Effects on grammatical knowledge on acquisition of politeness expressions by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese]. Hiroshima Keizai Daigaku Kenkyuu Ronsyuu [Research Journal of Hiroshima University of Economics] 27(2), 35-46. |
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23. Kuwahara, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Banno, E. (2004). Kanzi no yomi no gakusyuu ni kansuru zikeiretu bunseki: Nyuumonki no hi-kanziken nihongo gakusyuusya o taisyoo ni [Time series analysis for learning kanji pronunciations: A case study of Japanese learners with non-kanji backgrounds]. Okayama Daigaku Ryuugakusei Sentaa Kiyoo [Bulletin of International Student Center, Okayama University] 11, 47-58. |
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22. Matsushita, T., Taft, M., & Tamaoka, K. (2004). Tyuugokugo tango o sitteiru koto wa nihongo kanzigo no hatuon gakusyuu ni yakutatuka? [Can knowing Chinese ‘words’ be useful for learning Japanese pronunciations of kanji compound words?]. Tyuugokugo/nihongogaku Ronbunsyuu (Hirai Katsutoshi Kyoozyu Taikan Kinen, Obirin Daigaku [Retirement Memory of Professor Katsutoshi Hirai, Obirin University], 578-590. |
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21. Lim, H., & Tamaoka, K. (2004). Kankoku no syokuba deno kosyoo siyoo no tekisetusei handan ni oyobosu zokusei taizin-kankei-tokusei seikaku-tokusei no eikyoo [Influences of characteristics, personalities and interpersonal factors on the appropriateness decisions of address-terms in the Korean workplace]. Hiroshima Keizai Daigaku Kenkyuu Ronsyuu [Research Journal of Hiroshima University of Economics] 27(1), 29-44. |
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20. Miyaoka, Y., Tamaoka, K. & Wu, Y. (2003). Acquisition of Japanese honorific expressions by native Chinese speakers with low, middle and high Japanese abilities. HUE Journal of Humanities, Social and Natural Science. Hiroshima Keizai Daigaku Kenkyuu Ronsyuu [Research Journal of Hiroshima University of Economics], 26(2), 1-16. |
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19. Kawahara, J., Tamaoka, K., Maruishi, M., & Muranaka, H. (2003). Nihongo no on’insyori o kentoo suru tameno sinri zikkenhoo [An experimental paradigm for the processing of phonological assembly in the Japanese language]. Hirosima Daigaku Gakubu Kiyoo Dai-3-bu Kyooiku Ningen Kagaku Kanren Ryooiki [Bulletin of Education Department, Hiroshima University, Part 3 ? Related Areas of Education and Human Sciences], 52, 215-218. |
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18. Miyaoka, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Lim, H. (2003). Kankokugo o bogo tosuru nihongo gakusyuusya no keigo siyoo niokeru tisiki to unyoo [Knowledge and performance of the use of politeness expressions by native Korean speakers learning Japanese]. Hiroshima Keizai Daigaku Kenkyu Ronsyuu [Research Journal of Hiroshima University of Economics] 25(4), 15-30. |
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17. Kawahara, J., Tamaoka, K., Chujo, K., & Matsumi, N. (2001). Syozi koodoo kara mita gengo no ninti/gakusyuu katei ni kansuru kenkyuu [Investigating cognitive and learning processes of languages through writing behavior: Developing software for writing behavior]. Hirosima Daigaku Gakubu Kiyoo Dai-3-bu [Bulletin of Education Department, Hiroshima University, Part 3], 50, 317-324. |
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16. Tamaoka, K. (1997). Tyuugokugo to eigo o bogo tosuru nihongogakusyuusya no kanzi oyobi kana hyooki goi no syori hooryaku [The processing strategy of words presented in kanji and kana by Chinese and English speakers learning Japanese]. Gengo Bunka Kenkyuu [Studies in language and literature],17, 65-77. |
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15. Tamaoka, K. & Menzel, B. (1996). Gaikokugo syuutoku no eikyoo yooin: Doitugo gakusyuu no dooki ka doituzin ni taisuru taido ka [Influential factors of foreign language acquisition: Motivation to learn German? Or attitude towards Germans?]. Gengo Bunka Kenkyuu [Studies in language and literature], 16, 137-151. |
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14.Tamaoka, K. (1994). A review of psychological studies of kana and kanji processing: A single phonological route to a multiple interactive activation. Gengo Bunka Kenkyuu [Studies in language and literature], 13(2), 1-18. |
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13. Tamaoka, K. (1994). Tori ga saki ka? Tamago ga saki ka?: Seizihoo no on’inteki syori mekanizumu no eikyoo [Does a chicken come first or does an egg come first?: Influence of orthography on phonological processing]. Ehime Hiaringu Kenkyuu [Ehime Hearing Research], 3, 5-8. |
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12. Takahashi, T. & Tamaoka, K. (1993). Is there a lexical switching mechanism between English and Japanese? Gengo Bunka Kenkyuu [Studies in language and literature], 12(2), 145-164./th>
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11.Ide, M., & Tamaoka, K. (1993). Zidoo no hi-gengokei suiri nooryoku nituite no niti/bei/ka hikaku kenkyuu [Comparison of non-verbal inference by Japanese, American and Canadian children]. Gengo Bunka Kenkyuu [Studies in language and literature], 12(2), 109-144.
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10Takahashi, T., & Tamaoka, K. (1992). Descriptive analysis of the performance of the two English proficiency groups on inferential and literal questions. Gengo Bunka Kenkyuu [Studies in language and literature], 12(1), 1-27.. |
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9. Tamaoka, K. (1992). The origin of blue-eyed blond Indians. Matuyama Daigaku Ronsyuu [Bulletin of Matsuyama University], 4(4), 163-173. |
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8. Tamaoka, K. (1992). Sinrigaku to gengogaku wa muzyun surunoka? Soretomo toogoo siurunoka?: Matuyama Daigaku Keieigakubu Gakuzyutu Kenkyuukai ni okeru kesu (J. F. Kess) Kyoozyu no Kooen Hookoku [Is psychology and linguistics conflicting or integrated?: A report of the lecture by J. F. Kess at the academic meeting organized by the Department of Commerce, Matsuyama University]. Gengo Bunka Kenkyuu [Studies in language and literature], 12(1), 121-131. |
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7. Tamaoka, K. (1992). Koo/tei eigo nooryoku betu nihonzin daigakusei no suisokuteki situmon oyobi hyoomenteki situmon ni taisuru kaitoo no kizyututeki bunseki [Descriptive analysis on answers to inferential and literal questions by native Japanese university students with high/low proficiency levels]. Eigo Kyooiku Kenkyuu [English Education Research], 35, 35-44. |
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6. TTakahashi, T. & Tamaoka, K. (1991). Script familiarity effects on the efficiency of processing numerals by Japanese university students with high and low English proficiency. Gengo Bunka Kenkyuu [Studies in language and literature], 11(1), 33-48. |
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5. Tamaoka, K. (1991). Historical development of learning styles inventories from dichotomous cognitive concepts of field dependence and field independence to multi-dimensional assessment. Matuyama Daigaku Ronsyuu [Bulletin of Matsuyama University],3(4), 107-132. |
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4. Tamaoka, K. (1991). Psycholinguistic nature of the Japanese orthography. Gengo Bunka Kenkyuu Studies in language and literature, 11(1), 49-82. |
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3. Tamaoka, K. (1991). Measuring intelligence of minority children in Canadian multicultural contexts. Matuyama Daigaku Ronsyuu [Bulletin of Matsuyama University], 2(6), 85-103. |
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2. TTamaoka, K. (1991). Gender differences in learning styles of Cree, Dene and Metis students. Matuyama Daigaku Ronsyuu [Bulletin of Matsuyama University], 3(3), 147-169. |
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1. Tamaoka, K. (1990). Congruence between learning styles of Cree, Dene and Metis students, and instructional styles of Native and non-Native teachers. Matuyama Daigaku Ronsyuu[Bulletin of Matsuyama University], 2(1), 71-93. |
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Editorial for Books
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4. Tamaoka, K., & Verdonschot R. (2015). The production of speech sounds across languages. Special Issues of Japanese Psychological Research. |
3. 玉岡賀津雄・牧岡省吾 編集 (2007). 『認知科学』特集号「文理解と認知メカニズム」, 日本認知科学 (共立出版, 東京). |
2. Tamaoka, K., guest editor (2005). Corpus Studies on Japanese kanji. Glottometrics (Special Issue), 10, RAM-Verlag (Lundenscheid, Germany) and Hituzi Syobo (Tokyo, Japan). |
1. Leong, C. K., & Tamaoka, K. eds. (1998). Cognitive processing of the Chinese and the Japanese languages. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 316 pp. (全316ページ). |
Editorial for Handbooks and Encyclopedias
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5. Tamaoka, K. (in press) In charge of 18 items including case structure, sentence structure, Plato' s problem, Yuhikaku New Encyclopedia of Psychology, Tokyo: Yuhikaku. |
4. Japanese Psychonomic Society, Ed. (in press). Handbook of Experimental Methods in Psychology, Tamaoka, K. edited Section 4.6 (Language), Tokyo: Asakura Shoten. |
3. 玉岡賀津雄・高橋登 (編) (2013). 『認知心理学ハンドブック』「言語」分野20項目を担当, 日本認知心理学会 (有斐閣, 東京). また,「メンタルレキシコン」「言語と性差」「談話」の3項目の執筆担当. |
2. 玉岡賀津雄 (2012)『研究社 日本語教育事典』近藤安月子・小森和子 (編) のうち「統計」(pp. 317-336),および小森和子・玉岡賀津雄で「学習者心理」(pp. 81-94)の執筆を担当した。 |
1. 玉岡賀津雄 (2005) 『新版 日本語教育辞典』日本語教育学会 (編) のうち「漢字の難度」(p. 397)「文字記憶のメカニズムと文字習得」(pp. 405-407)
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1. 玉岡賀津雄 (1994). 仮名と漢字による語彙処理のメカニズム - 日本語学習者の学習歴と言語背景による影響. 松山大学 総合研究所 (松山大学 総合研究所, 所報第15号), 全101頁. |
A part of a book
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12. Tamaoka, K. (in press). Dignity from oral expressions - language (role words and self-image). Miura Kayo and Kawahara Jun’ichiro (Eds.), Psychology of beauty and charm. Tokyo: Minerva Shobo.
11. 玉岡賀津雄・小泉政利 (2016). 第8章 言語理解. 小泉政利 (編), ここから始める言語学プラス統計分析 (pp. 129-145). 東京: 共立出版.
10. 熊可欣・玉岡賀津雄 (2015). 第1章の1(t検定)と2(方差分析). 館岡洋子・于康(編) 日語教育ー研究方法と応用 (pp. 24-43). 北京: 高等教育出版.
9. Tanaka, J., Tamaoka, K., & Sakai, H. (2007). Effects of syntactic priming and verb repetition in the comprehension of Japanese sentences, T. Sakamoto (Ed.), Communicating skills of intention (pp.213-237). Tokyo: Hituzi Shobo Publishing.
8. 玉岡賀津雄 (分担執筆) 「留学生の文化理解は何によってもたらされたか-文化場面分析尺度への反応と日本語力、文化的経験、属性との関わり、および日本人学生の反応との比較」江淵一公編『日本語の習得と文化理解』
7. 玉岡賀津雄 (分担執筆)「日本の社会・文化的な習慣を表現した熟語の認知からみた文化理解の測定」江淵一公編『日本語の習得と文化理解』
6. 玉岡賀津雄 (分担執筆)「グループ間およびグループ内分析のためのサンプル諸特性記述」江淵一公編『日本語の習得と文化理解』
5. Tamaoka, K. (1996). A Japanese perspective on literacy and biliteracy. In E. F. Lai (Ed.), Asian Perspectives on biliteracy Research: Facts, issues & action (pp.65-80). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Reading Association.
4. 玉岡賀津雄 (分担執筆)「海外遊学のすすめ-異文化体験から学ぶ」平田伊和男・竹内正編『学びのネットワーク』
3. 玉岡賀津雄 (分担執筆)「少数民族の教育」および「ブリティシュ・コロンビア州の生活と教育」二宮皓編『国際理解教育と教育実践 - 北米諸国の社会・教育・生活と文化』
2. 玉岡賀津雄 (1993). コンピュータを利用した学習指導. 高籏正人・南本長穂 (編) 学習指導 (pp.154-175). 東京: ミネルヴァ書房.
1. Tamaoka, K. (1993). Weniger lese- und recht- schreibwache Kinder im Land der aufgehenden Sonne?: Zum Mythos der japanischen Schrift. In H. Balhorn, & H. Brugelman (Hrsg.), Bedeutungen erfinden: im Kopf, mit Schrift und miteinander (pp.123-132). Hamburg: Faude.
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7. 1986年 (第11章共訳; 玉岡賀津雄・喜多村和之)「学生消費者保護のための政府の介入」『高等教育論 - 学生消費者主義時代の大学』(デビット・リースマン著)玉川大学出版会, 289-309. |
6. 1988年 (第8章訳)「サスカチュワン州における多文化主義教育(アール・E・ニュートン著)」『カナダ多文化主義教育に関する学際的研究』(関口礼子編), 東洋館出版社, 151-167. |
5. 1993年 「読みの認知・感情・自動化」(ドナルド・A・レトン著), 読書科学, 37, 163-166. |
4. 1994年 「第5章 高等教育と国際的知識伝達」および「第8章 学生の政治的行動」馬越徹監訳『比較高等教育論』(フィリップ・G・アルトバック著), 玉川大学出版部. |
3. 1994年 「成績不振に影響する認知処理能力」(ジェームズ・フルカワ著), 読書科学, 38, 36-42. |
2. 1994年 「アメリカの高等教育機関が直面する諸問題」(ボブ・H・スズキ著), 松山大学論集, 6, 227-238. |
1. 1996年 「読みの発達における条件づけ・理解・記憶」(ドナルド・A・レトン著), 読書科学, 40, 26-35. |
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4. 2003年 (共作: Tamaoka, K., & Makioka, S.). Database for Japanese phoneme, mora and syllable frequencies. 日本語の音素,モーラ,音節の出現頻度一覧を,Excelで使用できるようにした.これらも,からダウンロードできる. |
3. 2003年 (共作: Tamaoka, K., & Makioka, S.). Database for Japanese bi-mora frequencies. 日本語の2つのモーラが組み合わされて出現する頻度をしらべたもので,すべてのモーラの組み合わせの一覧,68×68のマトリックスと102×100のマトリクスの3種類を,Excelで使用できるようにした.これらも,からダウンロードできる. |
2. 2003年 (共作: Tamaoka, K., Kirsner, K., Yanase, Y., Miyaoka, Y., Makioka, S., & Kawakami, M.). Database for the 1,945 Basic Japanese Kanji (3nd edition). 2001年の第2版に漢字のエントロピーと冗長度を追加した漢字データベースで, http:からダウンロードできる. |
1. 2001年 (共作: Tamaoka, K., Kirsner, K., Yanase, Y., Miyaoka, Y., & Kawakami, M.). Database for the 1,945 Basic Japanese Kanji (2nd edition). Oxford Text Archive, Oxford University, U.K. (Web Siteへの掲載について審査有り.) |
Master & Doctoral dissertation
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3. 1983年 『英国の「公開大学」(Open University)に関する研究』広島大学大学院教育学研究科教育行政学専攻修士論文. |
2. 1986年 An Assessment of Congruence between Learning Styles of Cree, Dene, Metis and Non-Native Students and Instructional Styles of Native and Non-Native Teachers in Selected Northern Saskatchewan Schools, Unpublished Mater's Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. |
1. 1990年 The Locus of Phonetic Recoding in Processing Kana and Kanji by Grades 4, 5 and 6 Japanese Students. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. |
Title |
120. 玉岡賀津雄 (1982). 英国の公開大学(Open University)に関する研究 - コース・チームによるコース編成の意義. 中国四国教育学会紀要, 28, 70-72.
119. 玉岡賀津雄 (1983). 世界の校内暴力対策5 - カナダ. 学校経営, 88(2), 76-81.
118. 沖原豊・吉田正晴・二宮皓・荒木慎一郎・矢田貞行・玉岡賀津雄・中嶋慶子・陳樹銘 (1983). 世界の校内暴力対策に関する比較研究. 日本比較教育学会紀要, 9, 17-25.
117. 玉岡賀津雄 (1984). イギリスの公開大学における教育課程・方法・評価に関する研究. 広島大学大学院教育学研究科博士課程論文集, 10, 70-72.
116. 玉岡賀津雄 (1988). 大学教授陣の管理運営参加問題 - カナダ州立サスカチュワン大のストライキ. IDE, 98, 70-76.
115. 玉岡賀津雄 (1990). (分担執筆) 「オープン・ユニヴァーシティー」項目執筆, 『生涯学習辞典』東京書籍.
114. 玉岡賀津雄 (1991). 「海外の動き, カナダ - 問題解決能力育成のためのコンピュータ教育」『教育と情報』文部省大臣官房調査統計企画課編集, No. 401, 38-39.
113. 玉岡賀津雄 (1991). (分担執筆) 科学研究費, 総合研究(A), 『後期中等教育比較研究, 文献目録1, 和文文献の部』国立教育研究所内, 後期中等教育比較研究委員会.
112. 玉岡賀津雄 (1992). (分担執筆) 科学研究費, 総合研究(A), 『後期中等教育比較研究, 文献目録2, 外国語文献の部』国立教育研究所内, 後期中等教育比較研究委員会.
111. 玉岡賀津雄 (1992). (分担執筆) 科学研究費, 総合研究(A), 『後期中等教育比較研究, 各国主要法令等資料集』国立教育研究所内, 後期中等教育比較研究委員会.
110. 玉岡賀津雄 (1992). 日本語の音韻的処理における最小単位は何か?: 疑似外来語の語彙正誤判断課題からの考察. 中国四国心理学会論文集., 25, 31.
109. 玉岡賀津雄・井出正 (1992). 人物画テストにおける全体描写と細部描写の発達的考察. 中国四国心理学会論文集, 25, 39.
108. 井出正・玉岡賀津雄 (1992). 児童の非言語系推論能力に関する日米加比較研究. 中国四国心理学会論文集, 25, 38.
107. 小林順子・高井次郎・玉岡賀津雄 (1993). 「カナダにおける留学生受入れシステムと受け入れ状況」『留学生受入れシステム及びアフターケアに関する総合的比較研究』(pp. 17-85)科学研究費補助金(総合研究A)研究成果報告書.
106. 小林順子・玉岡賀津雄 (1993).「カナダ・ブリティシュ・コロンビア州の後期中等教育制度改革の動き: 改革案“Year 2000”の骨子」『後期中等教育の史的展開と政策課題に関する総合的比較研究』(pp. 193-197)科学研究費補助金(総合研究A)研究成果報告書.
105. 玉岡賀津雄 (1996). Effects of character homophony in processing Japanese compound words. Australian Journal of Psychology, 48, 48-49.
104. 玉岡賀津雄 (1997). 漢字二字熟語の処理における漢字の音韻的表象を介した同音異義漢字の書字的表象群の「跳ね返り」活性化. 日本心理学会第61回大会発表論文集, 854.
103. 玉岡賀津雄 (1997). 中国語と英語を母語とする日本語学習者の漢字および仮名表記語彙の処理方略, 異文化間教育学第18回大会発表抄録, 132-133.
102. 玉岡賀津雄 (1997). 英語系および中国語系日本語学習者の日本語処理の効率性 - ローマ字および仮 名・漢字表記による文章の読みと読解. 平成9年度日本語教育学春季大会予稿集, 207-212.
101. 玉岡賀津雄・高橋登 (1997). 漢字二字熟語の書字行動のための認知処理-語彙使用頻度と書字的複雑性の影響. 日本教育心理学会第39回総会発表論文集, 345.
100. 梁瀬祐史・玉岡賀津雄 (1997). 母音の継続発音における調音可能性の度合い-PDP型の音声ネットワークか?音声ハイエラーキか? 中国四国心理学会論文集, 30, 23.
99. 玉岡賀津雄 (1997). 漢字二字熟語の語彙正誤判断および語彙命名における方略効果, 中国四国心理学会論文集, 30, 22.
98. 玉岡賀津雄 (1997). 英語系および中国語系日本語学習者に日本語処理の効率性 ・ローマ字および仮名漢字表記による文章の読みと読解, 日本語教育, 95, 162.
97. 玉岡賀津雄 (1998). 「国語」読本からのレッスン, 二宮皓(編) 90年代における比較・国際教育学研究の動向. 広島: 広島大学比較教育学研究室, 79-85.
96. 玉岡賀津雄 (1998). 漢字の認知処理における意味・書字・音韻的表象の構造と相互作用. 平成10年度日本語教育学秋期大会予稿集, 41-51.
95. 玉岡賀津雄 (1998). 漢字二字で構成される熟語の処理における漢字形態素の意味的効果. 心理学会第62回大会発表論文集, 910.
94. Tamaoka, K., & Murata, T. (1999). Investigation of the obligatory contour principle (OCP) from the perspective of cognitive processing ・The effect of repeated vowels on the phonological processing of Japanese non-words. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Science and the 16th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society Joint Conference, 515-518.
93. 玉岡賀津雄・山田浩之 (1999). 漢字知識の形成における筆順の認知的役割 第2回認知神経心理学研究会予稿集, 12-13.
92, Tamaoka, K., & Terao, Y. (1999). The phonological processing unit used by Japanese native speakers. Program abstracts, the 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, 388.
91. 1999年 (単著) 「常用漢字1,945字の認知心理学的な諸特性についてのデータベース(J-1945D)」と漢字の認知処理における諸特性, 平成11年度日本語教育学会研究集会・第8回研究集会予稿集, 126-131.
90. 宮岡弥生・玉岡賀津雄 (2000). 中国人日本語学習者の敬語習得. 2000年度日本語教育学会秋季大会予稿集, 134-141.
89. 宮岡弥生・玉岡賀津雄 (2000). 中国語および韓国語系日本語学習者の敬語習得. 第64回日本心理学会発表論文集, 784.
88. 玉岡賀津雄・宮岡弥生 (2000). 外来語の認知処理に対する英語知識の影響. 第64回日本心理学会発表論文集, 514.
87. 松下達彦・玉岡賀津雄 (2001)..購噐嶄忽繁楼誼晩囂査坿塗伏簡諒籾―掲降喘簡嚥危列議蛍裂―[中国語系日本語学習者の漢語系派生語習得に関する問題 ―非慣用語と誤用の 分析―] 及4曙忽縞査晩斤曳囂冱僥冩網氏(第4回国際日中対照言語学シンポジウム)発表論文, 北京外国語大学.
86. 松下達彦・玉岡賀津雄 (2002) 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の漢語系派生語の習得. 日本語教育学会春季大会予稿集, 173-178.
85. 玉岡賀津雄 (2002). 漢字の音読みと訓読みの音韻的境界感覚. 認知科学会予稿集.
84. 小坂圭子・玉岡賀津雄 (2002) Developing a listening span test for Japanese preschool children as a measurement of working memory capacity. 第5回認知神経心理学研究会抄録集, 22-23.
83. 玉岡賀津雄・河原純一郎・林炫情・宮岡弥生 (2002). Is there 'default' in word order?: Scrambling effects on the processing of Japanese and Korean sentences?: Scrambling effects on the processing of Japanese and Korean sentences. 第5回認知神経心理学研究会抄録集, 52-53.
82. 宮岡弥生・玉岡賀津雄 (2002) 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の日本語能力別にみた敬語習得.日本心理学会第66回大会発表論文集. 805.
81. 玉岡賀津雄 (2002). 漢字1字の音・訓読みの音韻処理において書字と音韻の単位は一致するか.日本心理学会第66回大会発表論文集, 531.
80. 玉岡賀津雄 (2002). 日本語版Can-do Scaleはどれくらい正確に日本語能力を測定しうるのか.2002年度日本語教育学会秋季大会予稿集, 215-217.
79. 宮岡弥生・玉岡賀津雄・林炫情 (2002). 韓国語系日本語学習者における尊敬語と謙譲語の知識と運用. 2002年度・第10回日本語教育学会中国地区研究集会予稿集,38-47.
78. 玉岡賀津雄 (2002). 日本語学習者の心的辞書(mental lexicon)の構造―中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の漢字熟語の処理を例に.2002年度・第10回日本語教育学会中国地区研究集会予稿集,1-8.
77. Tamaoka, K., Sakai, H., Kawahara, J., Lim, H., & Miyaoka, Y. (2003). Priority information used for the processing of Japanese sentences: Thematic roles, case particles or grammatical functions. Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics 2003 Handbook, 6-7.
76. 玉岡賀津雄・牧岡省吾 (2003). Effects of mora, bi-mora and word frequencies in the phonological processing of Japanese words and nonwords. 日本認知科学会第20回大会発表論文集, 210-211.
75. 玉岡賀津雄 (2003). 漢字の認知的意味に対する部首の影響-サンズイとイトヘンの場合. 日本言語学会第126回大会予稿集, 36-41.
74. 林炫情・玉岡賀津雄 (2003). 職場での呼称使用に対する韓国人の属性・対人関係特性・性格特性の影響. 日本言語学会第126回大会予稿集, 18-23.
73. Tamaoka, K., Lim, H., & Sakai, H. (2003). Statistical analysis of frequency data of lexical and syntactic compound verbs taken from corpora of Japanese newspapers and novels. The Proceedings of the Third ASIALEX Biennial International Conference, 282-288.
72. 玉岡賀津雄・宮岡弥生・河原純一郎 (2003). 絵と文の一致・不一致課題における二項動詞能動文のスクランブル効果. 日本心理学会第67回大会発表論文集, 700.
71. 坂本勉・玉岡賀津雄・松本充右 (2003). 空主語文の処理における終助詞「よ・ね」の機能に関して. 日本言語学会第127回大会予稿集, 44-49.
70. 小泉政利・玉岡賀津雄 (2003). 日本語三項動詞文の基本語順と読み時間. 日本言語学会第127回大会予稿集, 38-43.
69. 李宜氷・玉岡賀津雄 (2003). 中国語系の上級日本語学習者による可能文の正順・かき混ぜ語順の習得. 第14回第二言語習得研究会全国大会, 74-79.
68. 玉岡賀津雄 (2003). 漢字の認知. 「漢字」の認知・学習と教育実践」分科会, 平成15年度日本語教育短期研修(第4回)「日本語学習をとらえなおす」資料集, 1-18.
67. Tamaoka, K., Miyaoka, Y., Ito, T., & Sakai, H. (2004). The canonical position of instructional and locative adverbs in the cognitive processing of Japanese sentences and noun phrases. 日本言語学会第128回大会予稿集, 275-280.
66. 小泉政利・玉岡賀津雄 (2004). 文解析実験による陳述・時・様態・結果の副詞の基本語順の判定. 日本言語学会第128回大会予稿集, 269-274.
65. 田中潤一・玉岡賀津雄・酒井弘 (2004). 文処理における統語的プライミング効果. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(TL2004-1~11)「思考と言語」, 43-48.
64. 村岡諭・玉岡賀津雄・宮岡弥生 (2004). かき混ぜ文の処理における格助詞の影響. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(TL2004-1~11)「思考と言語」, 37-42.
63 Tamaoka, K. (2004). Dual-processing model. Word inflections in second language acquisition: Dual-processing model vs. connectionist model. 言語科学会第6回年次国際大会予稿集, 25-27.
62. Tamaoka, K., Miyaoka, Y., & Matsushita, T. (2004). Inter-language activations and inhibitions in cognitive word processing by bilinguals in the Chinese and Japanese languages. 言語科学会第6回年次国際大会予稿集, 43-48.
61. Tamaoka, K., Miyatani, M., Zhang, C., Shiraishi, M., & Yoshimura, N. (2004). An ERP study on activations of untargeted words by highly advanced Chinese and Japanese languages. 第7回認知神経心理学研究会, 46-47.
60. 玉岡賀津雄 (2004). 日本における母語・継承語教育―その実態と可能性の追求. L1の子どもの言語獲得の争点. 母語・継承語・バイリンガル教育研究会2004年度大会, 13-19.
59. 小泉政利・玉岡賀津雄・宮岡弥生 (2004). 文読解時間に与える統語構造と格助詞配列順序の影響―「ヲ格目的語動詞使役文」と「ニ格目的語動詞使役文」との比較. 日本言語学会第129回大会予稿集, 277-282.
58. 林炫情・玉岡賀津雄・宮岡弥生 (2004). 味覚形容詞「甘い」「辛い」「渋い」「苦い」「塩辛い」「酸っぱい」の基本義と別義に関する新聞および小説のコーパス出現頻度の解析. 第10回韓国日本語学会予稿集, 155-159.
57. 宮岡弥生・玉岡賀津雄 (2004). 接頭・接尾辞と漢字二字熟語との結合力に関する日韓対照研究. 第10回韓国日本語学会予稿集, 51-54.
56. Tanaka, J., Tamaoka, K., & Sakai, H. (2005). Syntactic priming effects in Japanese sentence comprehension. The proceeding of international symposium on communicating skills of intention, 167-177.
55. 玉岡賀津雄・田中潤一 (2005). 名詞句と能動文におけるコロケーション頻度の影響. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告「思考と言語」, 23-27.
54. 玉岡賀津雄・林炫情・宮岡弥生 (2005). 日本語と韓国語の文処理におけるスクランブル効果. 韓国日本文化学会2005度春季国際学術大会, 90-96.
53. Tamaoka, K. (2005). Effects of mora, bi-mora and word frequencies on Japanese phonological processing. Proceedings of the 3rd Seoul International Conference on Phonology, 207-223.
52. 玉岡賀津雄・栗林裕・酒井弘 (2005). Psycholinguistic investigation of subject incorporation in the processing of Turkish active sentences with transitive Verbs. 日本言語学会第130回大会予稿集, 116-121.
51. 村岡諭・玉岡賀津雄・宮岡弥生 (2005). 文理解における語順と有生性の関係. 日本心理学会第69回大会発表論文集,639.
50. 田中潤一・玉岡賀津雄・酒井弘 (2005). 日本語の文処理における動詞の影響-統語的・語彙的プライミングを用いて. 日本言語学会第131回大会予稿集, 210-215.
49. 玉岡賀津雄・林炫情・池映任・柴崎秀子. (2006). 韓国語母語話者の和製英語の理解に及ぼす日本語の学習経験および語彙力の影響. 第4回國際學術發表會, 576-579.
48. 金賢珍・玉岡賀津雄 (2006). 日本人母語話者と韓国人日本語話者の日本語発話リズムの交互操作による音声知覚実験. 第9回認知神経心理学研究会, 3の1 , 2.
47. Kuribayashi, Y., Tamaoka, K., & Sakai, H. (2006). Psycholinguistic investigation of subject incorporation in Turkish. The 13th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Book of Abstracts, 76.
46. 小森和子・玉岡賀津雄・近藤安月子 (2006). 日本語の文正誤判断に見られる中国語の書字形態と統語構造の影響-日本語習熟度の異なる中国語母語話者を比較して. 第15回小出記念日本語教育研究会予稿集, 48-53.
45. 小森和子・玉岡賀津雄・近藤安月子 (2006). 二言語混在文の単語認知処理における干渉効果-中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の場合. 言語科学会第8回年次国際大会予稿集, 103-108.
44. 小森和子・玉岡賀津雄・近藤安月子 (2006). 中国語を第一言語とする日本語学習者の漢字二字熟語の認知処理-心理言語学的手法による考察から. 2006年度日本語教育学会春季大会予稿集, 103-108.
43. 小泉政利・玉岡賀津雄 (2006). 日本語の主語は動詞句の内部に留まる場合がある: 行動実験からの証拠. 日本言語学会第133回大会予稿集, 158-161.
42. 林炫情・玉岡賀津雄・宮岡弥生 (2007). 肯定と否定表現の違いが行為要求型表現の丁寧度に及ぼす影響. 韓国日本学会第74回国際学術大会, 184-189.
41. 玉岡賀津雄・宮岡弥生・邱學瑾 (2007). 音声提示された正順・かき混ぜ語順の単文理解が長文の聴解に及ぼす影響. 2007年度日本語教育学会春季大会予稿集, 113-118.
40. 浅野倫子・玉岡賀津雄・宮岡弥生・横澤一彦 (2007). 正文性判断における統語・意味逸脱の影響に関する眼球運動の分析. 2007年度日本心理学会第71回大会発表論文集, 636.
39. 玉岡賀津雄・宮岡弥生・福田倫子・毋育新 (2007). 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の語彙と文法の知識が聴解・読解および談話能力に及ぼす影響. 2007年度日本語教育学会秋季大会予稿集, 131-136.
38. 林炫情・玉岡賀津雄・宮岡弥生・金秀眞 (2007). 丁寧度の判定に関わるポライトネスストラテジーの要因についての階層的分析. 韓国日本文化学会第29回学術大会予稿集, 87-95.
37. Tamaoka, K., Miyaoka, Y., Lim, H., Kim, S.,& Sakai, H. (2007). Differences in discourse comprehension strategies for L2 (second language) Japanese as employed by pair-matched L1 (first language) Chinese and Korean Speakers. 日本言語学会第135回大会予稿集, 316-321.
36. Kiyama, S., & Tamaoka, K. (2007). A speaker’s ‘ego’ attitudes toward self and others involved in agree-disagree responses toward accusation in one’s miscommunication and mistake situations. 日本語用論学会第10回 (2007年度) 大会予稿集, 68.
35. Tamaoka, K., Lim, H., & Miyaoka, Y. (2007). Effects of gender-identity and gender-congruence on levels of response politeness. 日本語用論学会第10回 (2007年度) 大会予稿集, 78.
34. 玉岡賀津雄 (2008). 漢字の学習は語彙の学習. 日本語情報誌JANET, 42.
33. 宮岡弥生・玉岡賀津雄・林炫情・金秀眞. (2008). オノマトペと動詞の共起表現の理解と語彙知識との因果関係-韓国語を母語とする日本語学習者の場合-. 日本語教育学会2008年度春季大会予稿集, 133-138.
32. 李在鎬・玉岡賀津雄・林炫情 (2008). 韓国語の話しことばと書きことばにおける音素,音節,音節結合の出現頻度. 日本言語学会第136回大会予稿集, 390-395.
31. 玉岡賀津雄・木山幸子・宮岡弥生 (2008). ヒトの言語産出とコーパスの頻度はどのくらい類似しているか. 日本言語学会第136回大会予稿集, 122-127.
30. 柴崎秀子・玉岡賀津雄・沢井康孝 (2008). 漢字表記と平仮名表記が文正誤判断課題に与える影響―文字種による日本語リーダビリティー公式構築のための基礎研究―. 言語科学会第10回年次国際大会予稿集, 170.
29. Tamaoka, K., Miyaoka, Y., Wu, Y., & Duan, X. (2008). Causal relations between idiomatic/onomatopoeic understanding and lexical knowledge among native Chinese speakers learning Japanese. 言語科学会第10回年次国際大会予稿集, 131-134.
28. Tamaoka, K. (2008). Symposium - Effects of scrambling and phrase-length order in the processing of Japanese sentences. 言語科学会第10回年次国際大会 予稿集, 27-30.
27. Ihara, M., Tamaoka, K., & Murata, T. (2008). Lyman's law effect in Japanese sequential voicing. Abstracts of the 18th International Congress of Linguists, Vol.2, 444-445.
26. Kiyama, S., Tamaoka, K., & Takiura, M. (2008). Motivations behind face-work by native Japanese speakers in conflict situations between self and othe.r 日本言語学会第137回大会予稿集, 86-91.
25. 池田史子・玉岡賀津雄・林炫情 (2008). 山口方言の撥音と長音を含む語の算出におけるアクセント核の有無と発音持続時間に関する世代間比較. 日本言語学会第137回大会予稿集, 238-243.
24. Tamaoka, K., & Ikeda, F. (2008). Influence of first-element and dialect region on voice-or voiceless decision of shoochuu. 日本言語学会第137回大会予稿集, 398-403.
23. Verdonschot, R., Poppe, C., Tamaoka, K., & Schiller, N. O. (2008). Japanese kanji characters prime multiple phonological representations. In P. Khader, K. Jost, H. Lachnit, & F. Rosler (Eds.), Beitrage zur 50. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP2008) [Contributions to the 50th conference of the experimentally working psychologists]. Lengerich: Papst Science Publishers, 48.
22. 玉岡賀津雄 (2009). エントロピーと冗長度を指標とした語彙的、統語的複合動詞の比較研究. 文部科学省科学研究費特定領域研究「代表性を有する大規模日本語書き言葉コーパスの構築: 21世紀の日本語研究の基盤整備」平成20年度公開ワークショップ, 221-230.
21. 趙萍・玉岡賀津雄・木山幸子 (2009). 中国人日本語学習者による「のだ」「のか」の使用条件・非使用条件の習得と日本語能力との因果関係. 2009年度日本語教育学会春季大会予稿集, 103-108.
20. 宮岡弥生・玉岡賀津雄・小泉政利・孫猛 (2009). 敬語の特定形・非特定形の習得に対する語彙および文法の知識の影響. 2009年度日本語教育学会春季大会予稿集, 127-132.
19. 酒井弘・桜木ともみ・品川恭子・除愛紅・福田倫子・小野創・玉岡賀津雄 (2009). アメリカと中国における日本語学習者の読解力・聴解力の構成要因. 2009年度日本語教育学会春季大会予稿集, 212-217.
18. Tamaoka, K., Asano, M., Miyaoka, Y., & Yokosawa, K., (2009) Pre- and post-head phrasal parsing of canonical and scrambled Japanese active sentences measured by eye-tracking method, 日本言語学会第138回大会予稿集,
17. 趙萍・玉岡賀津雄・木山幸子 (2009). 「のだ」と「のか」の使用・非使用に関する文法及び語彙知識の影響, 言語科学会第11回年次国際大会予稿集, 57-60.
16. Kiyama, S., Tamaoka, K., Takatori, Y., & Lim, H. (2009). Mechanism of multiple factors influencing responses to accusation among people of Japan, Korea, and the United States. 日本言語学会第139回大会予稿集, 204-209.
15. Kanduboda, A. B. P., & Tamaoka, K. (2009). Priority information in determining canonical word order of colloquial大和 Sinhalese sentences. 日本言語学会第139回大会予稿集, 32-37.
14. 林炫情・玉岡賀津雄・李在鎬 (2009). 韓国語のオノマトペと動詞の共起パターンに関するコーパスとヒトの言語産出の比較研究. 日本言語学会第139回大会予稿集, 366-371.
13. 大和祐子・玉岡賀津雄 (2009). 日本語の外来語を多く含むテキストの読みに対する英語および外来語の語彙処理の影響: 中国人日本語学習者の語彙知識との関連. 第二言語習得研究会(JASLA)第20回全国大会予稿集, 56-61.
12. エルヴィタ・ヴィアシー・斉藤信浩・玉岡賀津雄 (2009). インドネシア語を母語とする日本語学習者による日本語の条件表現の習得. . 第二言語習得研究会(JASLA)第20回全国大会予稿集, 62-67.
11. 孫猛・小泉政利・玉岡賀津雄・宮岡弥生 (2009). 中国人日本語学習者のテイルの形と意味の習得における動詞の種類,活用および文脈の影響. 第二言語習得研究会(JASLA)第20回全国大会予稿集, 68-73.
10 木山幸子・玉岡賀津雄・趙萍 (2009). 中国人日本語学習者による語用論的能力の習得に関わる知識の因果関係の検討. 第二言語習得研究会(JASLA)第20回全国大会予稿集, 86-87.
9. 大和祐子・玉岡賀津雄 (2010). 中国人日本語学習者のテキストのオンライン読みにおける語彙と文法の知識の影響. 2010年5月23日. 2010年度日本語教育学会春季大会予稿集, 205-210.
8. Kanduboda, A. B. P., & Tamaoka, K. (2010). Priority information for canonical word order of written Sinhala sentences. 日本言語学会第140回大会予稿集, 358-363.
7. Tamaoka, K., Kanduboda, A. B. P., &, Sakai, H. (2010). Effects of word order alternation in the processing of spoken Sinhalease sentences. 日本言語学会第140回大会予稿集, 224-229.
6. 魏志珍・玉岡賀津雄・大和祐子 (2010). 日本語のテキスト処理における視点の統一性の影響. 日本言語学会第140回大会予稿集, 110-115.
5. Tamaoka, K., Kiyama, S., & Chu, X. (2010). Influence of lexical and grammatical knowledge on acquisition of the ability to distinguish Japanese homophones by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese. 言語科学会第11回年次国際大会予稿集, 109-112.
4. パク・ソンジュ・玉岡賀津雄・李在鎬 (2010). 韓国語漢字語の-hada付加による動詞および形容詞化の動作性アスペクトによる予測. 日本言語学会第140回大会予稿集, 182-187.
3. 早川杏子・玉岡賀津雄・金秀眞 (2011). 単語レベルでの表記と音の対応関係の感性と聴解への影響. 韓国日本学会第82回学術大会予稿集, 57-62.
2. 斉藤信浩・玉岡賀津雄・毋育新 (2011). 日本語条件文の習得難易度と読解への影響: 中国語または韓国語を母語とする日本語学習者を例に. 韓国日本学会第82回学術大会予稿集, 37-41.
1. Tamaoka, K., & Kiyama, S. (2011). The 13th Stroke Boundary: Effects of visual complexity for Japanese kanji processing with high and low frequencies. 日本言語学会第142回大会予稿集, 80-85.