
Database on Japanese Kanji

Contents of Database Date Size Download
1. The index of Japanese phoneme and mora
2003/02/05 44KB PDF Excel ZIP
2. The index of Japanese bi-mora frequencies 2003/02/05 275KB PDF Excel ZIP
3. The 102 matrix of bi-mora (100X102) 2003/02/05 79KB PDF Excel ZIP
4. The 68 matrix of bi-mora (68X68) 2003/02/05 44KB PDF Excel ZIP
5. The 2nd edition database for the 1,945 basic
Japanese kanji
2002/01/01 948KB PDF Excel ZIP
6. The 3rd edition database for the 1,945 basic
Japanese kanji
2003/02/05 1266KB PDF Excel ZIP
7. The 4th Edition database for the 1,945 basic
Japanese kanji
2004/02/12 1286KB PDF Excel ZIP
8. The list of stroke numbers for 6,355 kanji 2003/12/15 359KB PDF Excel ZIP
Note: In the seventh item of the Database for the 1,945 basic Japanese kanji,4th edition, the kanji
printed-frequencies of the 1,945 basic Japanese kanji presented in column of ‘KF in 2000’ is calculated
on the basis of two-kanji compound general nouns (not the original data) appearing in the Asahi Newspaper
printed from 1985 to 1998 (Amano & Kondo, 2000). Original printed-frequencies of all kanji calculated in
all the lexical items of the same newspaper can be found in the CD-ROM version of the lexical database
(Amano & Kondo, 2003) which is available through the Sanseido Web-site of
  Kanji frequencies displayed in the columns of ‘1998 KF’ and ‘CD 1998’ are taken
from the original data from Yokoyama, Kasahara, Nozaki and Long (1998) with permission.  However,
this book is already out of print. Please refer to the same Sanseido Wet-site of www.sanseido-publ.co.jp/publ
for the information.


Experiments and analysis Introduction

資料の内容/Contents of Documents 更新日/Date 資料/Download
1. 実験ソフトDMDXを使った反応時間測定法入門 2008/10/18 PDF
2.エントロピーと冗長度の指標を使ったコーパス共起頻度の分析 2008/7/5 PDF
3.エントロピーと冗長度の指標による語彙的・統語的複合動詞の分析 2009/3/16 PDF
4. AMOSによるSEM分析法入門 2008/12/20 PDF